
December 26, 2010

Christmas at all of our houses were awesome :)


December 22, 2010

I got to eat dinner with Ellen and her family. THEY ARE SO COOL. I love being around families that obviously love each other so much. We watched Elf after dinner. That's 3 times this year for those counting at home.

I drove around to look at Christmas lights, but I wasn't impressed. I am very lucky to have grown up in a subdivision that goes berserk with lights every year. I can't wait to go home :)

December 21, 2010

We took a lab field trip for Thai food for Christmas! YUM.

DALLAS STARS GAME!! My first hockey experience. It was surprisingly AWESOME. I want to go again! I took the Dart line that just opened by my apt and it was AWESOME. YAY.

I drank a lot of diet coke, so when I got home I went for a jog on the treadmill and now I still have a boatload of energy... and it's WAY past my bed time. OH WELL.

And the lunar eclipse last night was AWESOME. YAY TODAY


December 20, 2010

I think I am finally done with Christmas shopping!

When I went to the post office to buy some stamps for my Christmas cards, the line was verrrrrrrrrrry long. I bought my stamps and moved off to the side to put them on the envelopes, when I heard the girl behind me ask the clerk for 1 stamp, but she only had her credit card or a 50 dollar bill. Almost everyone in line jumped to give her some change, and the clerk said, "Wow, there is a lot of Christmas spirit in here!" And if that doesn't make you happy, I don't know what does.

For Christmas, Scott bought us tickets to see the Rockets play the Mavericks :)

I am going to go out and see the lunar eclipse! Lunar eclipse + winter solstice! COOL!


December 19, 2010

Quick recap!

Thursday: EPIC night of girl talk. Alicia made this amazing chili, and she, Elizabeth, and I sat around and talked for 4 hours about every crazy date we've been on, awkward encounters, our frustrations with boys, and other things of that nature. SO GREAT!

Friday: CHRISTMAS PARTY! We had so much fun :) Spiked cider, white elephant exchange, sausage pinwheels, watching the boys sing "Vindicated"... good times. Diana and I wore headbands with huge bows on top so we could be presents. We looked adorable :)

Saturday: Felt sick all day, but I did some stuff at the lab, picked up my apartment, watched some Christmas movies on DVR, wrote some Christmas cards, did laundry, and took a MONSTER nap without being bothered by the cat :) Then I got all dolled up, and Scott took me to his company Christmas party at this 5 star restaurant/hotel called The Mansion. It was super fancy, the food was AMAZING (chicken, salmon, kobe beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, ice cream, bread pudding), and his co-workers are very nice. His boss had some very nice things to say about him :) He took me home when I started feeling sick again, and we watched Elf and he kept me company while I moped on the couch :)

Sunday: Slept so late. Moped around for awhile, did some stuff at the lab, almost finished my Christmas cards, finished a few odds and ends of Christmas shopping, got my co-workers cards/gifts together. Ray came over, we went to mass, and then to the mall to see Black Swan with C-Bass. It is FREAKY and now I'm scared.


December 15, 2010

The high was 74 degrees. I love Texas!

GREAT GREAT GREAT AWESOME FANTASTIC GREAT results in the lab today!! I've done this experiment 9 times, and finally we're seeing what we wanted to see. HUGE. I feel so hopeful right now.

I got a Christmas card from my old boss, Christine, who says there is another little one on the way!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Found an AWESOME gift for our white elephant on Friday :)

Watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. LOVE IT.


December 14, 2010

Today was a simple day. I like days like these.


December 13, 2010

Today was nice :)

I started the day with not a lot to do, but I ended up finding the perfect amount to get me out EXACTLY 9 hours after I got there (with "1 hour" for lunch). PERFECT timing!

When I came home, I accidentally ate the entire mini-tin of homemade fudge I got this weekend. OOPS....

I watched The Muppet Christmas Carol! It was so much better than I remembered. I AM SO HAPPY! I'm definitely in the Christmas spirit now :)

Alicia told me about the Exercise TV free stuff on demand on U-verse, which she says is a great option when it's SO COLD outside like it is today! I tried the ABCS of hip-hop, a bhangra dance workout, and a Crunch Stilleto sexy workout. All were fun, and I felt pretty silly doing them, but it's exercise! I'm sure I'll get better once I get the hang of them... and I hope my neighbors below me don't get mad, because I'm trying SO hard to not jump around.

I also ripped my 2nd pair of jeans in the past 2 months. I don't know what's going on. One also wore a few holes in the butt, and one pair shrunk tremendously in the wash... so now I'm down to 3 pairs... uh oh.


December 12, 2010

Nothing beats good weekends :)

Friday was a good day at work, followed by a fast trip to Austin! I rolled into town, picked up my sister, went straight to Julia's, and then to EZ's for dinner :) MMMMMMMMMMM BURGERS AND CURLY FRIES. So great. She took us to Quack's, which is a little hipster bakery in Hyde Park that I didn't know existed, so we could get contraband baked goods for the movie we were about to see. Then we met Anna and saw THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. Which inspired much quoting of the SNL skit from a few years back. We had fun. Julia's new name is Pees on Earth, and she bought an angel shaped cookie for Anna and I to share because we were her angels in LA 48 (?). My sister and I had fun making jokes about random things all night. She snuck me into her dorm to spend the night :)

Saturday we woke up, I bought BSB/NKOTB reunion tour tickets (OMG OMG OMG OMG), and then we spent the day in New Braunfels for our annual Vajdos Christmas family reunion. I used to think they were really boring growing up, but we've all come to really appreciate this time with our billion cousins and all sorts of people we don't remember. We had a really fun time, Mom won almost everything in the raffle, we got to ride the little train at the park with the little kids, and ate a zillion pounds of awesome food. Stephen won a bottle of whiskey, which was amazing because he dropped his name into the paper bag and said "this is the winning ticket, I feel it." And it was. Afterward, Rachie and I hung in the dorms for a little bit, reading (we call it Butt Club when we read books together... it originated as Book Club but somehow it devolved), and then we saw Tangled. SO GOOD!

Sunday! Posada at St. Austin's. I've never been to a real posada, and this one was pretty cool. We walked around to different doors of the church, and people were dressed up as Mary, Joseph, and angels. They stop and knock on the doors, asking if there is place for them at the "inns," and everyone turns them down except for the last door. Mass with Jamie, Ramon, Ray, and my sister, and then we met Vanessa and E for lunch. PHO! So good! Jamie has Just Dance II on Wii, so we played 2 songs, and then I left for Dallas. Now I've cleaned and done laundry, and looking forward to a great week :)


December 9, 2010

Today I don't feel like doing anything.
This song gets stuck in my head when I don't feel like doing anything and just want to lay in my bed. Like today.

As a lab, we went to Chuy's for Mingfu's goodbye party. FOOD SO GOOD. JALAPENO RANCH!

I did a lot today, and to reward myself I am not doing anything for the remainder of the evening. Okay really, it's 10:30 and I'm going to bed within the hour so nothing is really missed, but I've decided to just shower and pack in the morning and just spend the rest of the night reading in my snuggly awesome bed. SO GOODNIGHT, WORLD!


December 8, 2010

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception; therefore this little number was stuck in my head all day. :D

Today was great because I have a boss who doesn't care what kind of hours I work (as long as I get my work done) and I have a job that is super flexible. I left at 4 today, got a FANTASTIC run in before it got dark, went home and ate my lentil stew + couscous, and then went back to work for my last hour and a half.

Also, 3 cups of dry couscous makes a CRAPLOAD. I think I could feed a small country with the amount of leftovers I have. The recipe turned out really well! I'll probably freeze some for later since I have so much! As for the couscous, I have NO IDEA what to do with my huge pot of it. Oh well! Hahaha

I finished reading Their Eyes Were Watching God. YAY! On to the next book :) I think it will be Angela's Ashes.

In other news, I did Masson Trichrome staining for the first time today, and I felt cool and sciency getting dyes and acids all over my gloves and labcoat and stuff :)

AND I set a bunch of Christmas specials to record on the DVR INCLUDING A MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL OMG OMG OMG


December 7, 2010

Something awesome happened today.

I accidentally shut the cat in the cabinet where I keep my blankets and dvd's. I was sitting in my room, and I heard this weird noise, dismissing it as my roommate working on her crafts in the living room. But it kept banging around, and I look out to see the door bouncing around as that stupid cat tried to open it from the inside. I felt really awful.... but it was actually HILARIOUS. Stupid cat!

Today was good because:

1. Sarah posted this video on her gchat status thing and I saw it before I left for work.

2. This website exists. My new favorite waste of time.

3. There have been a bunch of silly little tasks building up on my bench at work, and I finally took some time to go through them and get them done. Anxiety levels decreased exponentially.

4. Since I worked late, I went to a later zumba class. The instructor and some of the other ladies there were talking about their extra skin and fat from being moms, and they all started laughing and giving me crazy warnings for the future. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And then they all said bye to me afterward. Yay for making new friends!

5. I need 1 green bell pepper for crock pot experiment #2 of the week. Unfortunately, I forgot said pepper last time I went to the store. I ran across the street to the supermercado, armed with 10 dimes, hoping that would cover 1 pepper. I felt pretty silly handing the cashier my pepper and paying her 50 cents. She gave me a weird look as she put it into a bag. I ran back across the street, and the entire trip took maybe 3 minutes. This is just funny to me.

6. Lots of little things have been piling up on my to-do list at home too, and it's been stressing me out. Today, however, I folded clothes, cut up all the vegetables, etc for my crock pot tomorrow, unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, took out the trash, took out most of the recycling, organized my receipts from shopping this weekend, got together all of the stuff I need to return tomorrow, picked up my floor and my bathroom, and I am feeling pretty great about everything!

Looking forward to tomorrow :)


December 6, 2010

Today was a good day.

So last night around 11:30, as I was falling asleep, Ray called and said he was on my street. I was like uhhhhhh... what? Turns out he was in Mesquite all day with his cousins and wanted to come by and surprise me earlier in the day, but his cousin's car broke down, so he was just leaving town when he called. He gave me a framed Starry Night poster like the one I used to have in 1032 but much prettier :)
It was a wonderful surprise!!!

Today, I had to work a lot in the 4 degree room, which hasn't been cleaned in quite some time, and it was pretty disgusting. Some other lab happened to leave some 409 in there, so I used it to clean our space and organize our stuff, clearing myself a little area to work in. Honestly, it looks GREAT now. I wore a big sweater and fuzzy boots today, and I wore my ear warmer thing that Emmanuel's sister gave me so I could not freeze my appendages off as I worked. I felt kind of silly walking around with all that plus my lab coat and gloves... but it's freaking 4 degrees Celsius in this room!!!! Everyone from the lab next door was out in the hallway as I moved my stuff in for the afternoon, and we all had a good laugh every time I walked past all bundled up, asking, "are you cold or something?" I like the people next door. I don't know anything about them, but they are very nice people.

After work, I met up with Elizabeth at a networking/speaker event with Young Catholic Professionals. We met a couple of cool people, drank some awesome cider, and listened to a really motivational talk given by this dude named George Ritcheske. I really liked what he had to say, and he talked about his kids with cerebral palsy, which of course touched my heard since I spent so many years volunteering with kids with cerebral palsy. He gave us all one of his books!


December 5, 2010

I. I am truly thankful for the people I have in my life.

A. I am so grateful to have friends that I can call at 2 am when I am PISSED OFF who will actually take the time to listen to me rant and fume and yell. Wow. I really hope I can be that kind of friend to someone someday. Not that I'm wishing bad things to happen to anyone... but thanks, guys. :)

B. I'm also grateful to have friends that willingly come over to try my food when I get the strange notion to really COOK. My friends came over for this:

Pork Chops with Jalapeno-Pecan Cornbread Stuffing

6 boneless loin pork chops, 1 inch thick (1 1/2 pounds)
3/4 cup chopped onion
3/4 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans
1/2 medium jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon rubbed sage
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
4 cups unseasoned cornbread stuffing mix
1 1/2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
1 egg, slightly beaten

Trim excess fat from pork and discard. Spray large skillet with nonstick cooking spray; heat over medium heat. Add pork; cook 10 minutes or until browned on all sides. Remove; set aside. Add onion, celery, pecans, jalapeno pepper, sage, rosemary and black pepper to skillet. Cook 5 minutes or until tender; set aside.

Combine cornbread stuffing mix, vegetable mixture and broth in medium bowl. Stir in egg. Spoon stuffing mixture into slow cooker. Arrange pork on top. Cover and cook on low about 5 hours or until pork is tender and barely pink in the center.

So it actually turned out pretty well :)

C. Joe/Amanda/Ryan/his gf came into town and we all ate lunch together :)

D. Allison had an apt warming party and I got to see some of the old UCC crowd. We had a fun time :)

E. I was anticipating going out later, but I fell asleep in my clothes in bed... and I felt silly when I woke up at 4 wearing some cute things. hahaha.

F. I had good runs yesterday AND today.

G. The deacon referenced a Beyonce song during the homily. HAHA.

H. Made some progress on Christmas shopping/errands/cleaning. Completely caught up on DVR. YAY.



December 2, 2010

Why today was a good day:

1. I'm working on ChIP again. It's a super long process and it sucks while you're doing it, but when someone else started doing it, I got really sad and semi-jealous. I think I started viewing it as MY project, and I have goals and expectations. I'm motivated when I'm working on it, and that makes me happy.

2. Alicia, Elizabeth, and I saw Love and Other Drugs at the Magnolia. We ate tacos beforehand. I love tacos. I've been wanting to go see a movie there. Jake Gyllenhaal is so attractive. Therefore, it was a great evening.

3. I've been reading Their Eyes Were Watching God, per Kate's suggestion, and I haven't really enjoyed it until today. It's finally getting good :) I like when women realize their inner strength and love for themselves, whether in real life or in literature! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!


December 1, 2010

It's December! I think I might go buy myself an advent calendar somewhere BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. Especially the ones we had when I was little where you get a piece of chocolate for every day of December.

Today is also World AIDS Day. AIDS, you suck. This makes my happy thoughts journal because SO SO many people are working to fight AIDS and help patients worldwide, and a special shout out to the organization FaceAIDS, which I volunteered with for a short time in college. They do great things. My uncle Matt, unfortunately, lost the battle with AIDS, and it makes me really happy to see so much effort out there to help those out there struggling. YAY humanity!

In other news, I made delicious pork roast for $3. It was premarinated and everything, so all I did was bake it on Monday, and I ate some of it today. Thanks, Kroger, for your discounted meat section.

I did yoga again today. It kicked my butt and it sucked. But I love feeling like jello.


November 30, 2010

Blog blog blog

Today was cool! Charlie sent me a card at work! From CHINA!! Not only is the card in Chinese, but the envelope is in Chinese and English. It looks SO AWESOME! What a great surprise!! Mingfu and another dude translated it for me :)

Ellen and I met up for lunch in south campus to record a little video saying "happy birthday" to Dr. Field. We messed up and giggled a bunch, and then got to eat lunch and catch up :) YAY

The Zumba instructor says she likes to look at me in class because I'm always dancing. And she says I'm skinny. And that made me happy because I was NOT feeling that way today.

Scott and I were out at the store and we ran into our friend John. I think that might be the first time I've randomly ran into someone I knew here. YAY!

Vanessa and Jamie found our Warrior Dash pictures online and they look AWESOME!

November 29, 2010

Wow I haven't blogged in almost a week! As I took vacation from work, I tried to take vacation from the internet and focus on my family and friends. So here goes nothing!

Wednesday was my birthday!!! YAY! 24 on the 24th :D Whee. Since we were driving to each other's cities, Mike and I figured out a city to meet in (it was very much like one of those "Train A leaves the station at this time and travel x mph and Train B travels at y mph" math problems from high school) to eat lunch, and he's awesome so lunch was awesome. I made it home in time to hang out with my sister, Nanny, and my Aunt Cecelia. We spent the whole afternoon hanging out, watching tv, and when my mom came home from work we chatted and ate homemade pigs in the blanket with Looney's sausage. Looney's is this little country store in Nanny's hometown that makes this RIDICULOUS homemade sausage. It's seriously legendary. That night, Heather picked me up, and we went to Wild West to celebrate! So many good friends came out, even though many of them don't like dancing and/or country music, but we all drank, danced, and had a great time :D I have wonderful friends who would sacrifice their evening to come and hang out with me!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Vanessa made me some awesome earrings, my sister picked out a badass sweater, my brother gave me BOY MEETS WORLD SEASONS 1-3, my mom got me fitted for some awesome green and purple running shoes, and my dad hooked me up with some itunes and candles. GREAT GREAT GREAT day. I love my birthday!

THANKSGIVING!! Probs my fave holiday. Woke up early and Rachel, Stephen, and I helped mom/Nanny/Aunt Cecelia in the kitchen. We ate turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, and a bajillion other things, followed by peanut butter pie and a pumpkin pie. SO GREAT. I wanted to go into a coma, but instead I drove my sister to Parth's house in SL so he could take her to the UT/A&M game. Since I was in the area, I went to my dad's for a little bit and we just lounged around and played with the dogs. Then, I drove back to Mom's and found everyone, including Aunt Cathy, Rick, and Nathan playing Farkle, a dice game our family is crazy about. We always bet a dollar per round, and Nathan won both games. It sucks, but I don't really mind losing to Nathan. He has a lot of problems, but gets a lot of joy out of learning how to count and count his money, and it's nice to see him so happy. The other main point of the day was the UT/A&M game, which I won't speak of on my happy thoughts blog, but I went to bed early and that felt nice :)

Some awesome stuff happened. When Nanny/Aunt Cecelia left, I went to my dad's house. He was busy, so I met up with Ashley at Starbucks for a few hours. It was so so great to see her, especially since she lives in NYC and we only get to catch up once or twice a year. Later, we had Thanksgiving Round 2 at Dad's, eating the same types of food as we did at Mom's. DELICIOUS. However, at my dad's house we eat chocolate pie, a recipe passed down from my grandma. SO GOOD. Afterwards, Christine and Lisa came over for a bit, and we chattered on for awhile and watched Boy Meets World. Afterwards, I hung out with Taylor for a bit. It was soooooooo nice to see my old friends!!! :D

Saturday: Slept like a billion hours. Woke up to meet Mom to get fitted for my new running shoes. I've never had someone look at how I walk, the wear in my old shoes, and measure my foot to determine the right kind of shoes for me. He helped me into a pair of Brook's Defyance shoes, neon yellow/green and purple, and they are AWESOME. There was a cute guy in the shoe store that kept making funny comments to us :) We ate at Quizno's next door, and then the funny cute guy came in to get lunch and made more cute/funny comments. Met the Spain girls at Ruggles :D SO WONDERFUL TO SEE EVERYONE. SO HAPPY!! Went to Mom's to say my goodbyes, ended up staying and using power tools to help set up curtain rods and hang them. Went to Dad's to hang out with him since I barely got to see him all weekend. We ate leftovers, and then he left to go somewhere and didn't come back all night. I decided to watch BMW and work on my scrapbook :D Got to catch up with Kate though!! That was nice!

8 a.m. mass. Bob's Taco Station for breakfast. Came home, packed, and left. Ran in my new shoes when I got home. It was a beautiful afternoon: perfect temperature, sunny, new shoes feeling great, and the right amount of motivation to run. I ran for 30 minutes straight with no blisters :D When I came home, I found some pants on my floor that did NOT look like they were mine. They didn't fit and they didn't look like the right material of the pants I thought they were. SO I FREAKED OUT. WHOSE PANTS ARE THESE?!?1 Some girl came to feed the cat while my roommie and I were gone, so I was like OMG THIS GIRL SLEPT IN MY BED AND LEFT HER PANTS. I was totally freaking out. I called Rachel, who got the same pair of pants last Christmas, to ask her the brand and what not. She sent me a picture of hers, and sure enough... the mystery pants were actually mine... just shrunk and faded from the washer/dryer. Seriously though, they didn't look like my pants. Oh well! Went to 1013 where the boys made burgers and we brought cake and broccoli. yummmmmmmmmmm. Kyle called and we got to chat for a little! YAY!

I ate this Santa Fe bowl from Taco Bell my mom found at the grocery store. It was really good, and I got to sit outside and read my book during my lunch break. Asha told me I was getting really good at sectioning on the microtome. Met some really cool people at pint night at the Flying Saucer. yay yayayayayyaya


November 23, 2010

One of the vendors brought us free pizza for lunch today! SO GOOD.

Scott brought me some cake balls and the Kesha cd. SO HILARIOUSLY AWFUL AND AWESOME.



November 22, 2010

EPIC WEEKEND. I always feel like I can't write about how great stuff is when awesomeness piles up (like on weekends like this). I'll hit the highlights:

Friday! My boss brought a cake and sang happy birthday to me! Beer hour afterward, and Caroline, Chris, Seung Tae, and I sat around and talked for awhile as I waited for Jaime to come pick me up! Jaime and I had a great time driving to Austin! We stopped at Czech stop for kolaches, and we sang the Eyes of Texas as we drove past the tower. I LOVE AUSTIN. We hung out with Jamie, Ramon, and Nathan for a second, and then Vanessa and I stayed up late talking. I LOVE GOOD CONVOS WITH GREAT FRIENDS.

Saturday! WARRIOR DASH!!!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! We left at 8ish, and our wave started at 10! Vanessa and I stuck together, and we were proud of ourselves because we jogged almost the whole way! The obstacles were really fun: we jumped over bales of hay and rusted cars, climbed cargo nets and through spiderweb rope things, ran through a muddy stream and slid down a pile of mud on our butts, and then jumped over FIRE and threw ourselves into a mud pit with barbed wire over it! WE GOT SO NASTY AND MUDDY AND IT WAS SO FANTASTIC! We rinsed off in a big fire hose, donated our shoes, and got some beer and pork sammiches. I want to write more about it but I'm so sleepy. The rest of the day was great, too; we hung around to meet Jamie, Jaime, Nathan, and Ramon. Their costumes looked great, and we took some great pictures of them. Later, Vanessa and I met my dad, Rachie, and Parth for dinner, and then we headed back to Jamie's to eat cake and brownies. Sharon, Ray, and James joined us for a little bit. We had fun hanging out and looking at pictures of the day! Vanessa and I PASSED OUT sitting up on the couch when we got back to her place. SO TIRED.

Sunday! Went to mass at the UCC, which is always so nice, and saw Daniel! Then we all went to Pluckers, ate some wings, and watched football. Jaime and I got on the road shortly after, Ray following, and Jaime's tire blew out right after we made a joke about Ray probably having to stop and help someone with a tire blowout. Although it sucked, it was nice to hang out with those boys at Walmart while Jaime got his tire replaced. We got back to D around 9, where I threw my stuff down in my apt and rushed to 1013 to catch the end of their Thanksgiving celebration! Scott made a great turkey, and everyone else made some fantastic sides. I am very thankful for the groups of friends I have in both Austin and Dallas. FANTASTIC PEOPLE IN MY LIFE! How did I get so lucky?

Today! Kris cooked chili and gave me a nice birthday card. I used my Kohl's cash to buy some fuzzy black boots. Work went by really quickly, and I enjoyed coming home for lunch and picking up my room and getting my life back together. My roommate gave me a raccoon pillow she made! SO ADORABLE. Yay. There was a random little door outside of the bathroom door at the lab today. I was opened the door to leave, and she's standing right outside the door in something that resembled some kind of warrior type pose. And she saw me and she immediately stopped, saying "I'm waiting for my sister!!" She was adorable. I wore my fuzzy warrior hat to work this morning and it was great. The end.


November 18, 2010

Great day. Wore a new sweater and felt/looked awesome.

I worked later than I wanted because I made a mess of a few things. I was working in the tissue culture hood for awhile and nobody was in there, so I put on Jason Mraz and sang really loudly to myself, making it an extremely jolly time.

Scott cooked me dinner and burned me the new Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, and Nelly cds. YESSSSSSSSSSS.



November 17, 2010

Last night after I posted, Ramon, Jaime, Robson, Jamie, Nathan, and I all participated in a giant conference call AND IT WAS EPIC. The circumstances of the discussion were unfortunate, but quickly the conversation turned to silliness. Sigh. I love this group of old friends so much. We talked for an hour, and I thought we could have talked all night if someone hadn't mentioned we all had to go to work in the morning. :D YAY.

Today our volleyball team was in the playoffs. We won our first round but lost in the 2nd. We went out to eat afterward, and I had a lot of fun getting to know the people on the team! As we were leaving, they were setting up karaoke and the guy in charge sang Jason Mraz and sounded EXACTLY like him.

The cat figured out how to open my door to my room. This could be bad.


November 16, 2010

Today is my sister's birthday!!! YAY!

Good points of Sunday: Rachie came by on her way back to ATX from FW, and I took her to get her hair cut and cooked her some tacos for lunch. She's my sister and my best friend and we always have so much fun together. She didn't get to stay for long, but it was still awesome. Got some work done, church, and then finally went shopping for some winter clothes. I got some GREAT deals at Kohl's and earned $20 Kohl's cash, so I can't wait to go back and maybe get some boots or something :) Scott called while I was there, and we made a spur of the moment decision to go see Megamind in 3D. GREAT CHOICE. IT IS SOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!

Good points of Monday: I got a boat load done at work. YAY! Put in some extra time so I can leave early on Friday for AUSTIN, TEXAS. Afterward, I met Leah and some of her friends at Flying Saucer for $3 pint night. I met her friends, and they were all very nice, and it was nice to do something different :D

Good points of today: Once again, I had a REALLY productive day. After work, I went straight to zumba, which KICKED MY BUTT (yay). James told me that some little girl came into the store he works in and said that he looked like her teddy bear. HAHAHA. Glee was great. I wore a new sweater to work and 2 different people complimented it!


This morning, as I was walking into the building, there was this man/lady (I seriously couldn't tell, he/she was in baggy clothes and then talked very effeminately) that walked to the elevators before I did, and then walked back out towards the bus stop. I went to push 'up', but apparently the guy/lady had already pushed it. I looked out the sliding glass door, and saw that he/she went behind a pillar by the reserved parking. He/she comes back from around the pillar, messing with his/her pants. So, I think this man/lady peed behind this pillar, next to the department head/brilliant scientist's parking spot in one of the leading medical centers in the country. Cool.

So he/she walks back towards the elevators as the door is opening. I hold the elevator open, and he/she walks in. I push the button for the 5th floor. Homeboy/girl pushes nothing. He/she is giggling saying "pardon me" as he/she adjusts his/her pants. Conversation ensues:

He/she: mumble mumble mumble mumble hehehehe (something about buses)
Me: The bus schedule? The shuttle picks you up right here, it comes like every 10 minutes.
He/she: mumble hehehe mumble bus fare hehehe
Me: Bus fare? For the shuttle? It's free.
He/she: no hehehe I'm trying to get home.
Me: Well how do you plan on getting there from the 5th floor?
He/she: hehe mumble do you have bus fare?
Me: Sorry I don't have any money with me.
He/she: heehehhe mumble

(elevator opens) (we both get out)

He/she: Where's the cafeteria?
Me: 3rd floor.
He/she: Can I get there this way? I just want to get home.
Me: yeah... just go that way
He/she: hehehehehehe mumble mumble

By that point, I'm at my lab, leaving crazy train to navigate for him/herself.


November 14, 2010

This weekend has been so great.

Friday: worked WAY later than I had intended, especially since I've been putting in a lot of extra time at the lab this week. However, all of my stupid cells were ready to start our experiment that afternoon, although we had predicted it to be around Sunday. Luckily, Chris stayed and helped me so I wouldn't be there all night. While we were working, he busts out his I Am T-Pain app on his iPhone, so we lysed cells and got ourselves autotuned at the same time. SO FUN!!! Made the night not so painful :) Met E and Alicia for dinner and drinks. We didn't last long out at all. We left the bar around midnight, and I was just so freaking exhauted and Alicia just let me sleep on her awesome couch with her puppy. It was a good night :)

Saturday: Softball got canceled due to an excess of rain. I slept on her couch until probably 10 or 11, and we watched awful tv and talked about boys and life in a very slumber-party-like fashion. The rest of the day was great. I got some work done, got my apartment mostly clean, got some groceries, and then just CHILLED for a few hours, which I haven't gotten to do all week. YAY. Then I made some corn salsa to take to Amy's for the game, but I couldn't get it to taste quite right. It wasn't until I was halfway there to realize I was missing cilantro (DUH), and so I just left it in the car. haha. Amy had a bunch of us from church in college over to her parents house for the football game, and it was so fun! I met a lot of cool people and caught up with some cool people. Amy made homemade pasta, meatballs, cake balls, and cannoli. Holy cow.... that food was amazing!!!! Ended the night with a little karaoke on Greenville. Kevin and Greg sang a Creed song, and I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Hilde put my name down as E-awesome and it made me happy. One random guy asked me how old I was. I told him 24. He says I look not a day over 21. I know. He asks if I'm wearing any make up. Not really. He says to take it however I want, but he thinks I'm gorgeous. That makes me happy.

Today: I am looking forward to getting a lot more work done, and MY SISTER is dropping by on her way out of town and I am SO HAPPY!


November 11, 2010

It rained today, so I planned ahead and parked on top of the garage so it could wash all the bird poop off my car. Conveniently, it stopped raining before I left work, which is nice because I forgot my umbrella. Perfect timing.

I got a lot of work done today, and all sorts of things have been accumulating on my list of things to finish. I tied up a lot of loose ends on little assignments, which is always nice. There was a time this afternoon when it was raining outside, the lab was quiet and everyone was working, and it felt so peaceful. I had some placentas and yolk sacs in blocks of wax, and I cranked out the best sections I've ever done. Whee me.

Zumba after work.

Frozen lasagna. Vanessa and I watched the Latin Grammy Awards, and I am motivated to get my Spanish back up to par! Motivation!


November 10, 2010

My boss was very interested in a lot of my results today :) Sometimes I feel like I do a lot of stuff, and then nobody checks in to see how it went or forgets about it. But today was nice, because I got a LOT crossed off my to-do list, and it was actually relatively important to people. Feeling appreciated makes me feel happy.

I went to power flow yoga. Holy cow. It sucked but in a really awesome way. I am so wobbly now. After wanting to die for an hour, we were all laying in the dark in savasana and the instructor comes up to me and did this weird thing where she pressed down on both of my shoulders one at a time, and then both.... and it felt AWESOME. I don't know what she did, and this sounds so weird, but that stretch was amazing, and I want her to do it again. Okay, I'll cut the homoeroticism now.

Volleyball! We won all 3 games! The people on my team are very nice, and I always have fun playing. They are thinking about playing another sport in the winter, and that would be fun to play with them then too, if they'll have me!

SO TIRED. Goodnight!


November 9, 2010

I forgot to set an alarm last night, yet I woke up earlier than usual and made it to work earlier than usual, feeling more refreshed and awesome than usual. YAY!

Raegan invited me to this Young Catholic Professionals speaker/networking event tonight, and it was REALLY awesome. The speaker was very interesting and we met some really nice people! I can't wait until the next one! Thanks, Raegan!

Also, I got a thank you card from Joe in the mail that made me cry because it was so sweet. <3

Boston University received my application today. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


November 8, 2010

Sunday: Scott and I went and got Subway and went to a park and played frisbee and walked around. It was a beautiful day and we had fun! :) Also, he took me to Town East Mall, which has been described to me as super ghetto for the past 10 months. I was so excited to see the shadiness, but it was actually super nice and I can't wait to go shopping there!

Today: I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and spent most of the day as a grumpasaurus, but little things here and there made me laugh and realize that life is funny.

For instance:

Right as I'm pulling into my apartment complex, my windshield gets pelted by two splatters of the nastiest green bird poop I've ever seen. What's awesome is that both splatters hit on the lower left hand corner of the windshield, right in that little spot where your wipers can't get to. So now I have some beautiful art on my car, and I couldn't help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. I hope it rains soon...

I cooked some chicken for lunch/dinner tomorrow, and I left it out on the counter to cool off for a little bit before I put it in the fridge. I watch HIMYM in my room, and as I'm walking back into the living room I SEE THE CAT ON THE STOVE EATING MY CHICKEN. WTF CAT. Once again, the sheer ridiculousness of the situation was enough to make me laugh.

My roommate made spaghetti squash and let me try some. SPAGHETTI SQUASH! What a glorious vegetable!! How have I never heard of it before? It is so awesome!


November 7, 2010

This weekend has been excellent.

Friday: Alicia, E, and I had a much needed girl's night at Cowboys, and it was the night that all November birthdays and their friends paid no cover and got a free drink :) Highlights of the night? Glad you asked. Alicia caught the eye of someone we think is a drug dealer. Two cell phones, wad of cash (but no one dolla bills) at the bar, and claimed his job was none of her business. Hahahaha. E got hit on by every single guy there, and I got stuck talking to one guy's married wingman, who only talked about his wife... yet still asked for my phone number. Very fun night. Taylor talked to me when I got home, and that was nice :)

Saturday: SLEEP. Softball :D Went to central market with the team in between games. They are really awesome people, and I want to actually be their friend in real life, not just Saturdays! Hahaha. Went for a jog, more softball, then at night went to go watch football/knox-henderson/some place in Addison with the Falcon bros. We went to this place called Barcadia, where they have old school arcade games, life sized jenga and connect four, and SKEE BALL. SO AWESOME. We went next door to this bar called Park, which looked like the inside of an old house, complete with carpet, chandeliers, candelabras, 80's music, and cool living-room type chairs. It felt like that was the kind of house that would be haunted or have vampires. Stephen and I went around and sat in EVERY SINGLE CHAIR to determine which was the best.

Today: I am going to find something to do outside :D It's such a beautiful day!


November 4, 2010

I learned how to do western blots today. Yay! Chris taught me and it was fun. Everyone does them except for me, and I feel like that's a pretty standard lab thing. But now I can do, suckaaaaaaaaaaas!

Caroline brought me a brownie from Starbucks and it was amazing.

Instead of working out, I opted to snuggle in bed :)


November 3, 2010

I met Jaime and Robson for dinner, and Jaime and I both got the chicken fried steak for $6.99 with mashed potatoes and black eyes peas. SO GOOD! I love those boys, I love chicken fried foods, and I love being from the south.

I got approved to take my birthday off of work, which is the day before thanksgiving, so I have a nice long break. Michelle also agreed to let me take off the ENTIRE week between Christmas and New Years!!! WHEEEEEE!! VACATION!!!!!!


November 2, 2010

After I posted last night, my dad called to ask me the "Geo-Genius" questions that come in his National Geographic issues each month. My dad and I share a love for geography, and this is one of my favorite father-daughter things we do. The first day of the month, or whenever he gets his new issue in the mail, he always calls me and we guess the answers together. We both got 3/5 right this time around. I LOVE MY DAD.

The guys at work had some funny jokes/comments, mostly making fun of me, and they are great and make me laugh a lot.

I learned about geocaching today. This is SO going to be my new hobby.

It rained all day today. When I left the YMCA, it was dark and it was a nice steady rain. I got stuck at a light, and I just wanted to sit there forever. The lights of downtown mixed with the sound of the rain on my car... there was something oddly beautiful about it.

I went to a kickboxing class for the first time in a year. It was fun :D

I made tabbouleh for the first time, and it tastes AWESOME.


November 1, 2010

Halloween weekend.

Friday: Michelle instituted a "beer hour" at the lab to celebrate everyone's recent accomplishments. I LOVE hanging with the people I work with. This cool guy from some other lab came to ask someone a question, ended up drinking a beer with us, and told some hilarious stories.

Found an awesome football jersey to pair with heels and a skirt for the party that night. Some sciencey dudes, including the head of our department, have a rock cover band, and some people from the lab went out to watch them, and some of my friends came, too! We had such a fun time :)

Saturday: HILARITY. Went to go put some flowers on Grandma's grave (happy birthday, Grandma!), and somehow at Kroger I managed to split the entire crotch of my jeans without my knowing. I was giving everyone a free show. Booooo. Changed my pants in the car at the cemetery... so much for being respectful. It was hilarious. Softball was awesome, as usual. Then we all went to Cowboys for a little dancing :) Hilde let me borrow her woodland fairy costume, and we all looked great and had an awesome time.

Sunday: SCRAPBOOKED. For the first time in forever. I basically did nothing all day. It was so so so so so so so glorious. Got to catch up with Jamie and James :D

Today: I got a buttload of work done today, and Chris used my data in his lab meeting presentation, and I felt very proud of it all. :) Kris made this dish with rutabaga in it, and it was tasty :)


October 28, 2010

I completed all of my grad school applications today! Everything else from today gets dwarfed in comparison. I AM SO HAPPY/RELIEVED! Now the waiting begins :) Final decisions are (in order of preference):

1. Emory
2. University of Washington
3. Boston University
4. University of Pittsburgh
5. UT

Here goes nothing! WHEE!!!

Also, funny story.
Background: My roommate is super artsy. She is making her boyfriend's halloween costume, which is a gigantic mushroom. It looks great. But anyway.

I'm cooking dinner, and washing some mushrooms. My roommate is in her bathroom right next to the kitchen. I'm putting the clean mushrooms onto the cutting board, and one rolls off the counter and DONK. Right onto her cat's head.

And I laugh and laugh and laugh. Mostly because I hate that cat and it just got hit in the head by my mushroom.

My roommate comes out and she's all like wtf what's so funny. I told her the story. Her response?

"Mushroom karma."

Apparently the cat was clawing up her bf's mushroom costume earlier. She deserved to get donked on the head. THE END.


October 27th, 2010

I saw my first opera today (thanks Groupon for a cheap awesome ticket)! Don Giovanni (Italian version of Don Juan) was fantastic, and it was nice to know the story beforehand, even though they had subtitles. I sat next to a really cute old couple. The lady started telling me about how they've had season tickets for the past 30 years. In one of the love songs, the old man held her hand. AWWWWWWWWWWWW :D

A bunch of things went wrong getting to the theatre/parking, but since this is my good thoughts journal, I will skip to the good part. I ended up RUNNING a block or two in my skirt and flats (thank goodness I opted not for heels), ran to the will call, and ran to my seat literally 2 seconds before they shut the door. If I would have walked, they wouldn't have seated me until after intermission. GREAT timing!

Serena is here from Italy!! She came to the lab to tell everyone hello, and it was very nice to see her!

October 26, 2010

I finished my Emory statement of purpose, and then I just changed the names for Boston's. Yay! A few more to go!

I took my lunch break at home. That was nice.

I finally moved all the tubes I have from the -80 freezer to liquid nitrogen. I've been meaning to do that for a month or two, and now it's finally done and I feel SOOOOO much better.

I had this experiment to finish at 5, and I thought it was going to take me an hour or so to finish, and I really wanted to get out of there. Then Caroline told me a stopping point I didn't know about, so I go to go to the gym and go home after all :)

I went to starbucks to work on my essays and I bought chocolate milk and a banana. I don't really like bananas but this one tasted really good with the chocolate milk :)


October 25, 2010

This weekend was great. Mike came into town and we watched the Aggie game. Then had an adventure with his new BMW... he couldn't get his trunk open to reconnect his battery, was supposed to have it towed to the dealership + get a rental.. and after 2 hours of messing with it/waiting for a tow truck, his friend Ross googled how to open it, and it worked. HAHA.

I enjoy walking my boss's dog when she's out of town. I saw so many cute squirrels at the park with nuts in their mouth. sooooooooo adorable.

Got to hang with Ashley today and her puppy, Daisy. ADORABLE. We had tacos and enormous margaritas. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME.

HIMYM was hilarious.

Also, yesterday in church I went back and sat down on the wrong row.... and then had to move up to the one in front of me. The girl sitting next to me laughed, and I laughed, too.


October 21, 2010

Like.... seriously.

I had 4 solid hours of cranking out stuff this morning at work. And then... I think the past couple weeks of being frazzled/frantic/worried about applications/essays/grad school/moving away/life all kind of hit me, and then I started feeling like poo, and that I REALLY just needed to get out of there. So at lunchtime I left work. I just left. I really didn't have much to do in the afternoon, so I emailed my boss saying I wasn't feeling well, and then I went home and ate lunch.

I had the intention of laying down and trying to rest and feel better. But all I could do was feel guilty about how I could be using this time to work on my stupid essays and how I really shouldn't have left work. And then I thought NO. THAT IS SO LAME.

So I went shopping. The other day I realized how I haven't bought any new clothes (except for a new dress) since I've started working, so I bought the daily groupon for this forever-21-ish looking store in uptown. What the heck right? SO TODAY I WENT SHOPPING. And by shopping I mean I went to this stores, touched a lot of shirts (as my dad puts it), tried on a bunch of cute things that would look cuter on someone else, and finally found a shirt I liked. I had so much fun browsing! I never get much joy out of shopping, but it was nice! So instead of heading back to my car, I walked around uptown for a little bit, looking in the windows of the fancy boutiques, went to Borders and touched a lot of books, spent a considerable chunk of time in the travel section, and somehow ended up in the 'how to write resume/cover letter' shelf, to which I scolded myself and moved along.

AND THEN I BOUGHT FRO YO. From orange cup. It was nice! I sat outside and ate it by myself, which is fun, because I like hanging out with myself. I realized that not too long ago, I thought doing things alone was lame and only for people with no friends. But honestly, wow. I'm so glad I grew up and out of that frame of mind. People looked at me with curiosity or confusion or condescension (or whatever it was), but I really didn't care. I was sitting in the sunshine, eating fro-yo, and really taking time to stop and reevaluate things.

Scott cut out of work early too, and he came over to my apt and we watched cash cab. And I was very happy. And sorry Scott (or anyone in our group of friends) if you ever read this and this seems lame, but it's nice to feel like I've finally found the kind of friendship I've been missing here, where you can do absolutely nothing together and it doesn't matter. And I can say whatever I want, and although he probs doesn't like half the things I have to say, he puts up with me anyway, and I'm very grateful.

Then Bass and I went to Theology on Tap, which is very fun. And I'm also thankful for Bass. And sorry, once again, if you read this, but I feel like there is no topic of conversation off limits, and he is so knowledgeable about everything. I want to follow him around (in a non-creepy way) and learn his ways of awesomeness.


I am also very thankful for my mom. She's absolutely crazy, but I love her so much. She said something very amazing on the phone earlier. I told her I left work early today and she was like wASKGJALKGJALKJG!!! I told her about all the stress and emotions I've been feeling. She told me to not worry, and here's why: She said God has laid this path out in front of me, and if I'm being called to help the sick of the world, then He isn't going to thwart that plan! This work is for Him, so He's going to take care of me. I needed to be reminded of that. Thanks, Mom!!

Now I'm here, NOT working on my essays today. I am going to watch The Big Bang Theory and The Office and take a long shower and go to bed.

This post was long, but too bad. It's my blog and I love it.


October 20, 2010

Dear life,
Today was a good day.
Boss lady brought some cake, then we got to goof around at little bit :)
Texas Exes volleyball. We played a team that was at our skill level, so we had some really good close matches. I played the best I've ever played!
Lots of progress made on my personal statement. Sent it to Ray for feedback!


October 19, 2010

Mingfu took the entire lab out to lunch today at Tokyo One. We all stuffed our faces with all sorts of stuff from the buffet. I tried kimchi, which Seung Tae brings for lunch every week, and all sorts of stuff which I have no idea what they were called. IT WAS AWESOME. I work with a super amazing group of people.

I bought some blank cds and they were multi-colored. I love multi-colored packs of things. I would probably buy anything from you if you were selling things in groupings of rainbow colors.

Also, I finally finished this one task at work, and the results mattered to somebody, which made me feel important and sciencey :)


October 18, 2010

I've been driving with my windows down, enjoying the fantastic Texas sunshine and the surprisingly not-too-warm breeze. I pulled up to the stoplight, frustrated that I need to turn right, and the stupid car in front of me is going straight, preventing me from righting-on-red my way home. I hear a strange noise, and I turn down my radio (sorry, Jay Sean). Turns out, the lady in the car next to me is blaring opera music. All of her windows were shut and everything, but it was soooooooooooo loud. I couldn't see if she was singing along or not, but I pictured the driving doing so, and from that point until I got home, I couldn't stop laughing. I've never heard someone listening to opera in the car, and definitely never at 100000 decibels):)

WARRIOR DASH TRAINING. I ran/walked for 40 minutes, 7 minutes run/3 minutes walk 4 times. And I did it and felt awesome. Next time, I'll try 8 and 2. It's nice to run when you actually have a goal.

Tonight has been devoted to statements of purpose for my applications, but it turns out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I brainstormed, and I have a lot of ideas and a lot of things to say, but how to put it in an interesting and logical format? :) Solid progress, but I can't wait until this whole ordeal is done!

Emory is back at my #1 spot BECAUSE IT'S SO COOL LINK!


October 17, 2010 (again)

A plethora of good things came out of today (and the rest of the weekend that I forgot to mention:

Friday: Secured my 3rd recommender! Belinda gave me some GREAT advice when looking for schools and writing my essays. YAY!!

Friday: E invited us to go see some people she know's band The Rusty Brothers. It was my first time in Deep Ellum, and I have to say, I really liked that part of town, although everyone knocks it for being sketchy (and I'm sure it deserves that reputation). It reminded me of downtown Austin. Sigh. Austin.

Today: SLEEPING LATE, posted on this here blawg. Then I went out to fix my tail light. So when I backed into that column last week, it didn't break any of the lights, just all that colored plastic and framework stuff. So my dad ordered me a new one, and I got it yesterday. It was supposed to be an unscrew/pop out the old/pop in the new/re-screw kind of job, as my dad demonstrated for me last weekend. But noooooooooooo. It's not. I get everything primed and ready to go, come to find out the old lightbulb socket things don't fit into the new plastic thing. The new one comes with new lights and wires and stuff, but somehow, they are supposed to plug in WAY inside my car where I can't get to. I make a few frantic phone calls to my good boy friends here, who are so great and gave me some suggestions, and to my dad, who had to listen to me freak out about everything. He told me to cut the old and the new wires with scissors, rip off the insulation with a knife, then wrap the copper of each corresponding wire to each other. Well. I about threw a fit and moped around for awhile, and then decided to grow up and just do it. So I read on google how to splice wires, and then armed with 3 pairs of scissors, 2 knifes, and several screwdrivers and my phone (which I used to call my dad multiple times to tell him how much this sucked... until he gave me a few tips and then it went super quickly and easily), 14 wires were successfully spliced (successful as far as I know). YAY! I DID IT!!!!!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I did!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.

Celebratory lap swimming. Felt so nice to be in the water.

I got a crap ton done on my SOPHAS application today. I am excited and happy.

October 17, 2010

This weekend has been so awesome. I've been doing nothing but eating, hanging out with friends, playing softball, and watching football. TEXAS BEAT NO. 5 NEBRASKA. Love those Longhorns! Today will be comprised of laundry, church, working out, cleaning, essay writing, and maybe a little shopping :)

I'd like to remember these (before these get lost in the abyss of my room), and also I forgot who I told I would give these to:

Easy Sheperd's Pie:
1 lb. ground beef
2 cups hot mashed potatoes
4 oz (1/2 of 8 oz package), cream cheese, cubed
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 cups frozen mixed vegetables, thawed
1 cup beef gravy

1. Preheat oven to 375. Brown meat in large skillet, drain.
2. Mix potatoes, cream cheese, 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese and the garlic until well blended.
3. Stir vegetables and gravy into meat.
4. Spoon into 9 inch square baking dish.
5. Cover with potato mixture. Don't worry about it being perfectly even; the more rustic it looks the better.
6. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup shredded cheese. Bake for 20 minutes or until heated through.

Saucy Pepper Steak
1 green bell pepper, cut into strips
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into strips
1 small onion, cut into strips
1 lb well-trimmed boneless beef sirloin steak, cut into strips
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp black pepper
3 tbsp lite soy sauce
1/2 cup original bbq sauce
2 cups hot cooked brown rice

1. Heat large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add bell peppers and onions, cook and stir 6 to 8 minutes, or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Transfer to large bowl, cover to keep warm.
2. Add meat, garlic and black pepper to same skillet; cook and stir 3 min. Add soy sauce; cook 1 min. or until meat is cooked through, stirring occasionally. Add bbq sauce; cook until heated through.
3. Spoon mixture into bowl with vegetables; toss gently. Serve over rice.

Bruschetta Chicken Skillet
1/4 cup sun-dried tomato dressing
4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb)
2 large red peppers, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cans (14.5 oz each) pasta-style or Italian-style diced tomatoes, undrained
1/2 cup water
2 cups instant rice, uncooked
1 cup shredded low-moisture part-skim mozzarella cheese
1 large tomato, chopped
2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil

1. Heat dressing in large skillet on medium heat. Add chicken, peppers, and garlic; cover. Cook 10 min. or until chicken is cooked through (165 degrees). stirring occasionally and turning chicken after 5 min. Remove chicken from skillet; cover to keep warm.
2. Add canned tomatoes and water to skillet. Stir in rice; bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, uncovered, 10 min. Meanwhile, combine cheese, chopped tomatoes and basil.
3. Return chicken to skillet; sprinkle with cheese mixture. Cover. Cook 5 min. or until chicken is heated through and cheese is melted.


October 14, 2010

While on the elevator, the man in there with me suddenly turns to me, and say "You know what? I hope you have a great day." I was shocked, and just replied with an awkward but happy "You too!!" And then he started talking about people fighting and stuff, but I couldn't really understand him because it was my floor and I was trying to leave. Nice guy!

I cooked dinner and Scott came to eat it. I will post the recipe tomorrow (right now it's in my kitchen, and I don't want to get out of bed).



October 13, 2010

Work was extremely busy. Lots to do!
Texas Exes volleyball! We lost 2 out of 3 games, but it was still fun. :)
Skype date with Lisa!! So awesome!
Signed up for my first credit card. Yay. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
I've been recording Hoarders on DVR, but I realized I had 20 episodes recorded. There's NO WAY I can watch all those! I felt like I was hoarding episodes, which is ironic, so I just went through and deleted them. Suddenly, I felt less anxious. Ha ha?

Also, I can't figure out why it's so embarrassing to have toilet paper stuck to your shoe.


October 12, 2010

Today was a great day!

I took a walk to the post office (which ended up being closed... haha) on the other campus, and on the walk I got to thinking about why I'm here where I am, and what I've learned since graduation. It ended up being pretty extensive, and it made me very happy to think about how far I've come in the 10 ish months. I've learned all sorts of stuff about relationships, the real world, myself, etc, and one of these days I'll write it all down. :)

Coming back from lunch, I shared an elevator with some lady who might have been me, but 20 years older. We both had crazy color/print lunch boxes (mine is pink zebra striped and hers was leopard print), we both had books, we both had mugs, and we both were coming in from eating outside. It made me smile.

In my attempt to out-walk Scott, I wore my new pedometer, and before I got to zumba, I had 16,000 steps? I'm debating the accuracy, because I took it off and left it in the cup holder of my car, so I don't know if the bumpiness of my car increased the number? I think the recommended minimum is 10,000 steps in a day, but I know I had over that, so that's pretty cool.

I made some pork tenderloin and rice pilaf for dinner, and they turned out really well!! Lots of leftovers for lunch tomorrow! It was funny because the rice pilaf box mix thing told me to bring the stuff 'just to a boil,' which doesn't really make much sense, but my roommate and I had a good laugh.

I also found some good recipes to try this week, and I'll post them if they are any good :) So I went to the store and almost everything on my list was on sale! I love when that happens!

Catching up on tv instead of writing essays was also a good choice. Good Guys, HIMYM, Glee. yay yay yay


October 11, 2010

I want to remember a lot, but I'm still exhausted, so I'll just give a basic outline:
Friday: Took my mom to the lab. Haha. Left early from work, got home at dinnertime, Stephen and I took Dad to Carraba's for his birthday. Spinach and chicken canneloni. Stephen took me to go see Mom's new house. It's a lot bigger than our old house, and I think it will be very nice once everything gets unpacked. Then we tried to watch one of the Bourne movies but we all fell asleep on the couch/chair/loveseat.

Saturday: Slept "late" til 8:30, hung out around the house with my dad and bro. Dad taught me how to fix my tail light and even ordered me a new one. We went on a search for a wedding present for Joe, and eventually I just got a gift card because his registry was like... towels. NO. Bought a new color of nail polish which I totally rocked. The wedding ceremony was beautiful! Joe and Amanda looked soooooo great and sooooooooo happy. Erin and Jaci were there! Blast from the past. The 3 of us had a GREAT time at the reception. Everything was awesome. Hopefully more details later when I'm not sleepy :) We went out to Washington with Mike and Taylor, and other Mike met up with us! Taylor and I ended up talking/eating at IHOP until 6:30 a.m., and it was super fun!

Sunday: Church at 8 with dad. New priest is pretty cool! Hung out with the fam, dad made pork roast, rice, and salad! Went to go see Ron on the way out, then met with Sharon and Alex at Ruggles on the way out. Got a super late start, but made it back to D in time for Scott to cook dinner!

Today: lots of work to do, a good busy day. I got all of my transcripts ordered, loan payments made, stuff mailed, good run, etc. Great day.


October 7, 2010

My mom is here visiting me!!! And tomorrow it's off to Houston for Joe's wedding!!!

October 6, 2010

I played volleyball with the Texas Exes group for the first time tonight, and it was really a lot of fun! I met some really cool new people, and I'm proud of myself for trying something new where I don't know anyone. Good job, me!

And then I went to go hang with Jaime, Laura, and Robson for one last time before he splits for Oklahoma. We found this one bar in Denton with 50 CENT WELLS on Wednesdays, and 1 dollar for doubles. WHAT?! Needless to say, it was good night.

And now it's way past my bedtime, but I am happy. Yay!

And my brother texted me and he is happy I'm coming home for the weekend, and that makes me feel all awesome inside :)


October 5, 2010

Today was great!
1. Started my SOPHAS application!! Whee! Grad school!
2. I got out of work on time, made it to the Y on time, made dinner on time, watched my recorded shows, and still had time to chat with Ray. Yay productive days! Now I'm almost going to bed on time!
3. My roommate hung Halloween decorations around our apartment, and she let me have a paper cat to put on my door!
4. In Glee tonight, they sang Losing My Religion. That song was the default ringtone on our phones they gave us in Spain, so every time I hear that song, I have a rush of awesome memories :)


October 4, 2010

To finish the weekend:
Heather made me ride Tilt-a-Whirl for the first time, and I'm so glad she did, because it was so fun! Eventually, we met up with my sister, Parth, and their friend Kelsi, and Diana and her friends, and ran into Joe and Amy. Joe is in Teach for America now, and it was really interesting to hear about his new life! We saw the Eli Young Band perform, and they were pretty good! A drunk OU guy asked me to dance (no one else was dancing), so he clumsily led me in a hilarious two-step. haha! Also, got my 2nd backrub of the day from Diana's friend, who bit my ear really hard about 10 minutes into meeting me, so that was his way of offering to make up for it. Yeah.

Turns out, Diana and her friends missed the train back, so we ended up taking them halfway. I was mad at the time, but looking back it's pretty hilarious, especially since they decided their only other option was to be pushed back in some abandoned stroller they found.

Sunday, Heather and I slept late, then I went to go play softball for a few hours! We won our game at noon, and then another team invited me to play with them at 1, and then we had our 2nd game at 2. We won again! We're on fire! It was a beautiful day, I found my sunglasses, and now I have a ridiculous sunburn on my face, complete with raccoon eyes from said glasses. Hahaha. Also Sunday was work, mass, then dinner at Kris's, and he cooked this ridiculously tasty chicken/potato/rice curry stuff, and it was soooooooooooo good.

Today was good because:
-Aloe vera exists. I went to Kroger during lunch to get some, and now my face feels soooooooooo much better.
-Greg and I started off with nothing to talk about at lab meeting, but it ended up being pretty good. My boss told me I did well, even though I didn't feel like that at all!
-Charlie brought me some realllllllllly awesome hand creams from his trip to New York! How thoughtful!!!! :D
-Robson came back into town for work! We went to see Jaime and Laura, ate at Ramen Republic, where we ate last time, and once again, I put way too much spice into my meal. My lips were burning and my nose was running, but it tasted SOOOOOO good. Afterwards, we played pictionary, wore sombreros/boxes/octopus things, and laughed at each other. My word was Democrat, but I mixed up which animal is associated with with party. So I tried drawing an elephant with stars and stripes, but according to the boys, it looked like a turtle with a clown nose, so it morphed into a party turtle. The donkey I tried to draw looked like a unicorn. Everyone made fun of me until Laura couldn't remember how to draw a fish, and made the triangle for the tail face backwards. HILARIOUS.

Goodnight, working world!


October 3, 2010

This weekend was so fantastic, there is so much I want to remember. This may take awhile to type out.

First of all, I was upset when I typed my Thursday post. That was because I had just backed my car into a column and cracked all the plastic on my taillight, and dented in the back corner of my poor little car. And then the gate of my complex wouldn't let me in, so I had to walk around the other side of the building to get in. And then my roommate had locked the deadbolt on accident, so I couldn't get in for a little bit. After the horrendous day I had, this was the icing on the cake. But in retrospect, it's actually pretty funny :) Greg assures me this won't be an expensive thing to fix, thank goodness!

Friday was a great day. I don't remember too much about work, except that Michelle brought apple spice cake to celebrate Young Dae's last day. I also bought lunch at the cafeteria, and it was some kind of cod with saffron cous cous, and it was SO good. I like reading during lunch, I will continue this! The weather was gorgeous after work, and I wanted to start my Warrior Dash training (so Vanessa doesn't make me look like a fool here in a month)! I went for a run/walk (5 mins walk, 5 run, 5 walk, etc) for maybe 40 minutes or so? And good Lord. There were SO many good looking, tan, shirtless men with great abs running past me. And a majority of them had dogs. WHAT. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I think I'll like running if this scenery keeps up...

But I digress. Quick trip for some groceries, and a quick rinse off, then Jon comes over, and then shortly after Heather gets in from Houston (YAAAAAAAAY), and then Scott, Greg, and Raegan arrive. We leave for dinner at Toulouse, some really nice local French restaurant. It had a fabulous patio, and everyone's food was really good! I got lobster bisque and this drink with champagne and strawberries. Afterwards, we went back and played bananagram and dominoes at my apt :)

Saturday! TEXAS vs OU!! STATE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woke up, went to the lab, came back. Blah. Heather and I loaded up on donuts and headed out to the fair!!! We took a shuttle there, and it beat a lot of traffic, which made for very happy Emily/Heather. We ran into Diana's cousin right when we walked in. Yay! We bought coupons (short line... YAY!), and met up with Julia/Eugene/Barbara/Melissa/Matt behind Big Tex (so we didn't have to look at his creepy face). It was soooooooooooooooooooo awesome to see them again! They let me try some of their fried beer, which was absolutely disgusting. Went to the petting zoo because they had a BABY GIRAFFE! After waiting awhile and pushing little kids, I finally got to touch it, and it ate out of my hand, and I was soooooo happy! Yay! They also had baby goats, pigs, longhorns, llamas, zebras, everything. So great!

Corny dogs. So awesome.

Throughout the day, the group of us also tried fried margaritas, p.b. & j with bananas (Heather's faves), friend queso, fried guacamole, funnel cake, fried cookie dough... and I think that might be it. Last year we ate fried grilled cheese, and that was good :)

The game wasn't so good, but it's always fun to be there around everyone, UT and OU fans alike. In fact, while we were watching the first quarter, we befriended some OU alumni. One proceeded to give me a backrub and tell me that although he hates orange, he thought I looked really good in it. After awhile, we got creeped out and moved to a table under a tree, and watched bits and pieces through the branches. Eventually, we decided the horns looked pretty sloppy, so we went to the rides. At some point I ran into my old friend, Ryan, from high school. Nice to see that fool again.

We rode crazy mouse. I thought we were going to die. Julia and I were hanging off the track. Looking back, it was really fun, but at the moment.... not so much. We did, however, get our picture taken, and it was hilaaaaaaaaaaarious. We had to buy it. I look absolutely terrified while everyone else looks like they are having a blast.

Okay, it's bed time but I'll finish tomorrow :)


September 30, 2010

I am currently drinking a beer.

Alicia moved into her new apartment today, which is really close to me, so I went over to help her unpack/assemble her bed. Well, somehow or another, one of the supports for the bed got all jacked up and wouldn't fit into the little slot Ikea so nicely designed. We spent a good chunk of time trying different ways to get this stupid thing put together. Finally, we just put the slats and the mattress on, and bounced around on it until we forced that sucker in! Yay girls assembling furniture!

Yay music.


September 29, 2010

Angela came into town! I haven't seen her since she moved to West Virginia! We met up with Heidi/Drew, Yajaira/Alfredo, and it's always so wonderful to reconnect with those TL girls :) TL brought me a lot of joy in college, and it's nice to have those friendships continuing on! It was trivia night at Plucker's. I actually got a few questions right, including Colt McCoy's real first name. At least my mini-obsession with Colt is finally paying off! Also, I know a lot of inventors, apparently!

The other day, I read this article somewhere about how this guy hasn't taken a vacation in years, but he feels he doesn't need to because he "takes vacations every day" by allowing himself time to just chill out and do something relaxing/fun/rejuvenating. Since I can't take a vacation, I think maybe I'll try to do something like that everyday. Usually, I'll eat my lunch in the break room and then go back to work, within 30 minutes if nobody is eating at the same times, maybe a little longer if someone is there and we strike up a conversation. Today, the weather was perfect, so I heated up my leftover shepherd's pie, grabbed my UT mug, and went outside to eat. I also had my book in my purse (I'm reading Zorro and it's fantastic), so I read it for about 20 minutes before I had to head back inside. It felt really nice, and although I didn't take my full hour like I wanted, it was still refreshing.

Also, I had an AWESOME hair day.


September 28, 2010

Dear future me: Today a guy brought an AK47 to the UT campus and killed himself in the PCL, your old 2nd home. Rachel was in lockdown in her dorm right across the street, and if she had left a little earlier from work, she may have passed the guy on the street. Who knows. Remember today.

Today was great because:
1. My sister and everyone at UT was okay, thank God.
2. Last week, I accidentally packed 2 pairs of socks in my gym back. I took 1 pair of socks out and left them in my backseat. I cleaned my car out this weekend, and I saw the socks, but my hands were full, so I decided to just get them later. When I get to the gym today, I realized I had no socks. Lucky for me, those socks were still in my car, and I could work out.
3. My boss cared about some of my results today. That always feels nice :)
4. I made shepherd's pie for the first time, and it turned out to be delicious.


September 27, 2010

First of all, I've been meaning to mention this silly little thought. I keep seeing shoes in the road. Usually, you only see one shoe, but now there is a matching pair at this intersection down the street. Shoes in the road ALWAYS make me laugh. How did that shoe get there? I always picture a family in a car and one kid takes the other kid's shoe and throws it out the window. Or someone opens the door and their shoe falls out and the light turns green. But seriously... shoes in the road? That's so silly! hahahaha

Today was great because:

1. Angela wrote on my facebook wall quoting TLC's "Waterfalls." When I'm leaving work, that's the first song I hear on the radio. Ha!
2. It is cold in Dallas. As in 55 for the low last night. I slept with my windows open, and woke up super cozy. Extra refreshing. I even made it to work before my desired arrival time. Yay!
3. Got a big fat check for taking care of my boss's dog. BANK.
4. At work, Greg told me in high school he was drunk and went to a haunted house on halloween. He thought it would be fun to go hide somewhere and scare his friends, but he was running full speed toward the back of the house, he ran face first into a wall, broke his nose, and knocked out the wall, making the haunted house shut down for a few hours to repair it. HAHAHA.
5. Scott cooked us all dinner, chicken, zucchini, and baked potato, and Raegan made cookies. SOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious. We talked about old AIM screen names, and it was very funny.
6. Ellen left her queso fresco in my fridge :) Free cheese!


September 26, 2010

Today was one of those days where you just feel like everything is alright. Everything is going your way. I feel so content with my life and with who I am. I feel like I'm on the right track, and I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

After a week of straight craziness, I feel like a human being again. Laundry is done, apartment is clean, groceries are bought, phone calls have been returned (I think), and I recycled all of my GRE practice tests and scratch paper. Out with the old, and now it's time to get on with the rest of my life, as well as start my applications.

I am very thankful for the many blessings in my life. I have the best family and friends a girl could ever dream of, and I hope that everyone I care about knows just how much I love them :)

Today was a generally great day, and I am looking forward to starting this week.


September 25, 2010

The GRE is over!!!!!!!

I did WAY better than I could have ever imagined!!!!!!!
Verbal- 610
Math- 770

OMG. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


September 23, 2010

Joys of today:
1. I had a free pass to see The Social Network before it hit theatres, so Scott and I went to go check it out. When we arrived, the line was at least a million people long, so we decided to just do dinner instead. My craving for spicy Asian food + his iPhone landed us a seat at Royal Thai. I had some awesome meal with BABY CORN in it. WHO DOESN'T LOVE BABY CORN?! So adorable.
2. We walked my boss's dog around the park for a few laps. It was a really nice evening (for once) and it was nice to be outside without sweating. And my boss's dog is AWESOME. It was nice to have a dog to play with again :)
3. In our google group today, the longhorn ladies and I had an awesome conversation about how gross we think it is when people discuss poop. It was HILARIOUS and a little awkward, but mostly hilarious. :)

Sarah has a blog now. Read it. Love it.


September 22, 2010

Joyous moments of today:

1. We ran out of a reagent for qPCR today, so I had to go downstairs and get another box out of a freezer which stocks for the entire campus. You place your order in the computer, then fill out a form and go grab your stuff. I bought the small box last time, and I was advised to buy the bigger box this time around since we use it so much. This is our paraphrased discussion on the matter.

Mingfu: All of these tubes are empty, did they come empty?
Asha: I used almost 3 tubes.
Me: I used almost a whole tube.
Mingfu: Oh, okay. Sometimes when you get the box you have to check and make sure the tubes aren't empty. Some people take the tubes out of the box without paying for them.
Me: How many tubes are there supposed to be?
Mingfu: Five.
Me: Oh. When I bought the box there were 4 tubes in there...
Mingfu and Asha laugh.
Me: ARE YOU SERIOUS? We got ripped off an entire tube?! I thought it was weird that there was a missing hole but I thought that was how it was supposed to be!!
We all laugh for awhile.

10 minutes later:
Asha: Mingfu, why are you smiling so much?
Mingfu: Because Emily made a funny joke. She lied to tell a joke.
Me: That wasn't a joke! That was a true story!
We all laugh harder.

I got a new box, and I checked to make sure it had the right amount of tubes :)

2. I started feeling REALLY tired about 4:00, so I went to the campus store, and I couldn't decide what tasty caffeinated beverage I should buy. These two ladies come in, and they pick up every bag of chips, every piece of candy, and JABBER (seriously the best word to describe them) about how many calories each thing has. They discuss at length the number of calories they have consumed so far that day, and go ballistic about how many grams of this and that each thing has. The girl at the register and I are cool, and we both laugh as I put my Dr. Pepper and bag of M&Ms on the counter :) I enjoyed the heck out of both of them, and I am not ashamed of the calories I ate!

3. I tried an indoor cycling class at the Y today. As I walked down the stairs, my legs got all jello-y, and it felt silly. I laughed the whole way to the car.


September 21, 2010

Little joyous moments of today:

1. Glee is back!
2. NCIS is back!
3. Mingfu helped me use the nanodrop to measure the concentration of my sonicated chromatin, and it was 168.8 ug/ml, which means I think I've done the first part of my ChIP correctly (unlike the last few times I've tried to take a shortcut and ended up messing up everything... oops)!! YAY! I went ahead and started the overnight IP to test our new antibody. I am very pleased, and hopefully the boss is, too! Hopefully on Thursday I'll have good news when everything is finished :D
4. I listened to a podcast about guerrilla gardening, and it sounds AWESOME.
5. I got an email about 101 Days of Prayer for Sudan, which I think is really cool. It has daily reflections (starting today and going until Jan. 1st), verses, and prayers for the country and people around the world experiencing unrest and violence:


September 20, 2010

Little joyous moments of today:

1. HIMYM is back!!!! Great premiere!
2. Everyone in the lab asked me how my weekend was, and it made me feel happy and important :)
3. I spent a considerable amount of time tonight making up stupid sentences to remember GRE words. Examples:

a. Dearth: smallness of quantity or number; scarcity; a lack.
My sentence: De earth has a dearth of natural resources because we used them all up.

b. Chary: wary; cautious; sparing
My sentence: I would be chary about eating charred chicken.

c. truculent: fierce and cruel; eager to fight
My sentence: The girl at TTU was truculent and wanted to fight after I told her her cheer didn't make any sense.

^True story. This girl was yelling "Walmart Rollback!!" and then looked at my sister and I and rudely said, "Better get your guns up!" To which I retorted, "Does that even make any sense?" (Because seriously, that chant is just weird, and I had no idea what it was supposed to mean/how it was supposed to offend me.) She then broke away from her little gaggle of girls saying, "What did you say?!?! Are you talking to me?!?!"

REALLY, dumb Tech girl, REALLY?

Also, Stephen's friends explained to us later that people at Tech have this joke about how all UT fans didn't actually go to school there or have any affiliation, they just buy the shirts... at Walmart... at rollback prices... apparently? Haha! I wanted to punch that girl and leave the imprint of my UT RING in her face.


September 17-19, 2010

Why my weekend was awesome (the quickest version possible because I'm exhausted):
1. Kevin and Hilde picked me up and took me to Lubbock, and they are fantastic people, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend some time with them.
2. MY FAMILY IS FANTASTIC. MY sister and I spent hours catching up Friday night in our hotel room while my dad and brother were out with their friends.
3. Saturday we ate at Spanky's for lunch, tailgated with Dad's friends, met up with Stephen and his friends, and went to the game. Beat Rachel in washers :)
4. TEXAS BEAT TEXAS TECH. We had fantastic seats.
6. They left at 8 or so Sunday, so I spent the morning doing a billion GRE problems on a practice test and scored a 1200 ish. yay!
7. Kevbo and H-money picked me up, and we ate at Orlando's for lunch, then made the trip back to Dallas.
8. I got to talk to Kate for an hour or two. Gosh she's amazing.
9. I got the random urge to cut recipes out of these magazines I used to get in Austin. It was really fun, and now I'm motivated to cook something!
10. I love UT, my friends, and my family.


September 16, 2010

Why today was awesome:
1. I woke up late, took a shower (an aberration for me in the mornings), and still made it to work at my usual late time sans shower.
2. I learned that the Korean king created their letter system only about 600 years ago. Before that, the Koreans used Chinese characters to write. I love having Korean PhD students in the lab. They are intrigued by American use of "super duper."
3. I left work early since I've been working super late everyday.
4. I got a haircut at the amazing Supercuts near my apartment. Yay.
5. While getting a haircut, I find out that I have over 10 inches of hair, so I can donate it to Locks of Love! I decided to not cut it today, since I'd be left with very little hair, but in a few months, I'll go ahead and make the cut :)
6. I got a hot fudge sundae with Scott. SO DELICIOUS.
7. I received 3 pieces of mail today, all good and not junk! My registration sticker from my mom, a letter from the Vincentian Congregation, and a postcard from Boston University about a prospective student's day. And I quote:

"Not just reading about HIV in Lesotho; traveling there to train volunteers and help the nation's health care system work from the inside. Not just watching the rise of obesity in children; devising the school-based programs to reverse it. Not just accepting the rise in autism; searching for its genetic risk factors. Not just realizing that low-income children get asthma; working to erase health disparities linked to race and income. Not just condemning torture; actively protecting human rights. NOT JUST DREAMING. DOING."


September 15, 2010

Today! Went to Denton and played board games with Jaime, Laura, and Robson! Jaime and I were on the same team for Cranium, and I had to act like I was milking him, and it was hilarious :)


September 14, 2010

I stayed at work later than expected, so I was feeling pretty grumpy because I missed zumba. However, as I am leaving the building I see that Jaime has called, inviting me to dinner with him, Laura, and Robson, who is in town again. If I had gone to zumba, I would have missed seeing them, providing sufficient evidence that everything happens for a reason.

Jaime didn't finish his fries and let me steal the rest. The waiter gave me a big box to take them home in, even though they were almost all gone. I was filled with great jubilation.

I went to Starbucks to do some GRE studying. I was sitting by myself at a table by the window, and out of my peripheral vision I see a tall guy in a sweatshirt walking up to me. I look up to find he has a scary facial expression and gesturing as if he is about to choke me. Upon seeing my shock and confusion, he stops, realizing I am not his friend, that apparently I look just like. The girl comes in a few minutes later. I definitely did NOT look like her. hahahaha.


September 10-13, 2010

Friday: The guys at work told me that I better make a plan for getting married, which made me laugh for awhile. Left work early, got in a great swim, homemade beef stroganoff with Ryan.

Saturday: PLAYOFFS. CHAMPIONS. We had 1 minute left in the final game, so we started another inning. Held our opponents, and since we were home team we got another chance to bat. Raegan had a game winning double (if I remember correctly) that drove in the winning runs :) CHAMPIONS. Then everyone came over for tacos and Texas football. Jamie and Ramon came in from Austin for the night!!! UT beat Wyoming. We stayed up super late talking about life, and it was so nice to catch up. Great great great day :D

Sunday: Mass, Hard Rock Cafe with Jamie, Ramon, and Jaime. We walked to the place where JFK got shot, Reunion Tower (but the observation deck was closed for renovation womp womp), the West End, jumped in fountains, and took silly pictures. I was very sad to see them leave. Watched the Cowboys at 1013, fell asleep on the couch, and ate delicious food with good friends. I am very lucky to know those guys + girls.

Monday: Sacked 17 adult mice today, and I'm pretty sure that's my new record. I also saw a mouse give birth for the first time; turns out they stand on their hind legs and push those suckers out. I was watching with amazement, and then the other mouse in the cage started eating the pups. Gross. That doesn't really bring me joy, but it's kind of funny :) Scott brought me cupcakes from Sprinkles, and we had an adventure and cooked these weird hamburger patties that supposedly had cheese and bacon in them... didn't taste like it!


September 9, 2010

At work today, I recycled three cardboard boxes, and for whatever reason, it totally turned my mood around.

I also watched an episode of Hoarders on A&E, and I feel really good about my life. I'm really working to consolidate and simplify my life by purging some belongings, and this show just gave me a little more motivation.


September 3 -8, 2010

This weekend was so awesome, and it consisted of:

Cash Cab watching extravaganza with Bass!

Robson came into town!!! Six Flags with him and Jaime, and we had such a fun time in our screaming contests, trying to buy garlic/cheese fries but they were out of cheese and garlic, and remembering the old 10th floor times :) They finally got me to ride the superman and the titan rides, which freaked the daylights out of me, but they turned out to be fun at the end. I love those boys. Then we went to Denton and ate Ramen Republic with them and Laura, proceeded by hookah and drank at some place called Kush and then some bar which had a ping pong table that these girls kept breaking.

Then church, gavaging, swimming, and then those three came over and we played Bananagram, ate Torchy's Tacos, and went to that bar on greenville that I can't ever remember the name to :) I used the words 'reagent' and 'diptheria,' and other science words in bananagram, loved it.

Labor day!!! NO WORK! E invited us up to the pool, and we drank pina coladas, sang Jay Z songs, and had a great day :) Then Ryan took me out to Carino's for dinner, and the spicy chicken romano was FANTASTIC!

Yesterday was a good day because I had lot of work to do, and I felt like I was working with purpose and not just to make it til the end of the day. Those days are so fulfilling!

Today a tornado hit Dallas, and it was nice that people were concerned and checked up on me! I went to this meeting for a social justice class at HT, and it sounds really interesting! Can't wait to get started!!


September 2, 2010

Girl's night at Blue Mesa = fantastic :)

Not going to journal club = fantastic :)

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but at work, Chris mentioned his dog's name was Snoopy, and playing right along into my recent obsession with Snoop Dogg jokes, he said he should call his dog Snoop Dogg. I seriously laughed about that on and off all day. Snoop Dogg. HA!


September 1, 2010


I had Eenie Meenie by Justin Beiber in my head all day, thanks to Diana, Vanessa, and Heather, and since I love this song, it made me quite happy!

I had a lot of work to do today, and I felt like I was working with purpose, which made the day go by very quickly.

There was a huge scary thunderstorm right when I got home, so I sat on my balcony while I ate dinner, watching the lightning and listening to the rain. Moments like these always cause me to reflect upon myself and life, and I come to some interesting realizations about myself, good and bad, but refreshing nonetheless.

I did some practice GRE problems and put Big Bang Theory on in the background to lighten the mood, and it worked miracles :)


August 31, 2010

Raegan brought me some palmetto and moon boxers from her trip to Charleston! How thoughtful! They are so adorable and comfy :)

My dad randomly just say hi! My dad always laughs about the song "Ben" by Michael Jackson because it was in some movie about a rat. When I told him that it came up on shuffle on my iPod today, we both started breaking out into the chorus. That morphed into us making fun of our dogs and each other to the tune and pitch of Ben. Later in the conversation, my dad told me he had an ear infection and about his trip to the doctor. Without hesitation, we both started singing about his ear fungus, once again in true MJ/Ben fashion. It was hilarious, and I love my dad. Upon getting of the phone, my roommate asked, "Does your dad have mushrooms in his ears?"

Songs, besides "Ben," that brought me joy today, for whatever reason. It was a music-centered day:

Lover, Lover by Jerrod Niemann

Jai Ho performed by the Pussycat Dolls

Waka Waka by Shakira

Also, Kris sent me this comic about why people wear lab coats. Very true! I wear mine because it's FREEZING in our lab, and because it makes me feel badass and sciencey :)


August 30, 2010

(via gchat)
me: diana got her first cadaver today

Alex: hahah did she name it

me: hahaha i don't know, actually
she said it was an 85 year old man with a lot of back fat
what a hottie
did you name yours?

Alex: om nom nom
yeah, we did
the mnemonic for the muscles in part of the palm is Air Force One (AFO)
so we called our cadaver Nelly

And then we sent each other Nelly songs on youtube and he sent me Heart of a Champion I've never heard before and it's awesome


August 27-29, 2010

This weekend was ridiculously amazing!
-Boss said I was smart
-Fave new tradition of swimming laps after work, nice lifeguards
-Spazmatics in Grapevine! Got on stage and danced/sang "Hey Mickey!"
-Tried Midori Sour and Liquid Cocaine for the first time (thanks, Ryan!)

-Nasher sculpture garden / Dallas Museum of Art: fave exhibit had all these traditional African tribal masks which were WAY AWESOME
-Rode the Uptown street car thing for the first time
-Took Charlie out to his first American bar
-Karaoke! Sang "Wannabe" with Hilde and Ashley/ "I Gotta Feeling" with Charlie and Ashley (and the random girls that jumped up on stage, and "Ice Ice Baby" totally solo.
-Hit Ashley in the face with the mic... hahahaha oops.

-Totally gonna sponsor a seminarian in India and I'm really excited about it
-Girl at church liked my dress!
-The Wiz was on BET!
-Blueberry muffins on sale
-Finally caught up with Danny and got to hear some awesome D.C. adventure stories


August 26, 2010

Today's winner: Texas Teas.

Honorable mention: Free screening of Going the Distance at Studio Movie Grill.

But mostly the Texas Tea.


August 25, 2010

Christine sent me some fantastic youtube videos that need to be shared with the world:

Penguins chasing a butterfly

Corgi Flop

Kiwi on a Treadmill

Fat Puppy

Fat Puppy exploding

Christine meant to send me the fat puppy video but sent me the exploding one on accident, and we had a good laugh!

Last night/this morning it rained. I've been waiting for rain for a long time. When I took my car in last week to fix my massive oil leak, they told me that all my oil had leaked all over the undercarriage and collected in all of the little car parts. It looks like my oil is still leaking, but they assure me the puddle under my car is just residual oil. They said it would take a good rain to clean it all out. On the way to work, I saw a few side streets with some awesome PUDDLES. I took and few detours to splash through all the puddles I could find! Every puddle I drove through made me a little happier inside. Hopefully that did the trick!

Tina and Michelle both agreed to recommend me for my MPH applications. FANTASTIC!!!

I am writing this on my porch BECAUSE IT IS 81 DEGREES!!!!!! NOT 110 like average!!! I drove Raegan to the airport, and on the way back to work I put the windows open and let my hair blow around without getting sweaty!


August 24, 2010

Today is my 3/4 birthday.

During lab meeting, I took down my ponytail. My bangs are too short to fit in there, so I have to use a bobby pin. I hooked my bobby pin to the pocket of my lab coat, thinking I'd put it back in later when I had a mirror. I stared at that bobby pin, saying to myself, "You're going to lose it, you better put it somewhere else," but I decided against it. Well, I lost it and was sad. Later, I found it in the break room on the floor, and all happiness was restored.

The guy who gave me a tour of the YMCA when I went to go join was working the front desk, and he immediately recognized me and started up a conversation, which makes me really happy. Turns out, he's a professional musician and plays piano in a blues band, and he invited me to their next show. The Zac Harmon Band. Check these guys out, they sound awesome. That is reason #1 why the YMCA made my day.

Reason #2: I walked into the locker room to change into my workout gear. There on the floor, were my polka-dotted Sketchers! Apparently, I left them there yesterday and didn't even realize it! There they were, just waiting patiently for me to return! I was so happy to see my shoes, even though they are old, beat up, and smelly (no wonder nobody stole them, right)!

Reason #3: ZUMBA. The girl who teaches it is phenomenal, and oddly she reminds me of Christmas Eve from Avenue Q. So much fun! One of the songs we did an ab work out was Lean Like a Cholo, and seriously, if that song doesn't make your day, I don't want to be your friend.

I also got to catch up with Laura up in Michigan who just finished her MPH and is now getting a couple of exciting job offers!! So happy for her!

Great day.