
February 24, 2011

Today was a nice change from the rest of the week. Kate called around 7 this morning, so it was nice to chat, even if it wasn't about the best of topics. I value Kate as a best friend and i think of her as a sister, and it makes a person feel special when they are the person people want to call when things go wrong.

And so i went into work on a cleaning rampage, so I reorganized this area on top of our freezers so things don't fall on my head when I reach for them :)

Raegan organized an impromptu happy hour after work since it was a beautiful evening, and it was just beautiful to me to sit and laugh and laugh and swap stories and laugh with good people.

And then I came home and got in bed around 9, talked on the phone, watched some modern family on th iPad, and thoroughly enjoyed a night off. Robson was supposed to roll through town and stay with me, and I'm bummed that he couldn't make it... But it was nice to be able to be worry-free, just for a few hours. I'll get back go worrying tomorrow :)


February 23, 2011

Amy and I have been planning our confirmation class lessons for a week, and it's been super stressful. Today I taught our lesson, and it went over very well. We way over planned and didn't get to everything... But we were afrraid we wouldn't have enough material, so I consider tonight a success!

Michelle taught me about how to get around in Seattle, and now I'm feeling much less anxious about my trip. Two huge weights off my shoulders! :)

She also brought donuts. Mmmmmmmmmm :)


February 22, 2011

I woke up happy this morning :) I was in an inexplicable good mood all day today!


Just kidding.

Actually, on second thought, I don't have too much I'd like to say! THE END AGAIN.

Okay, here's an edit:
After I wrote this, I read Kayla's blog (a must read, btw), and she gave me a super sweet shout out and I wanted to die I was so excited. Kayla, if you read this, I think you are wonderful, and I wish that we could have spent more real-life time together... but sometime in the future I am sure we will :) Thanks for being awesome.

And for no reason at all, this song is stuck in my head. CLICK IT.


February 21, 2011

It's been a few days since I've posted but I'll hit the good and silly points of the previous days.

Friday: left work a tad early, and went to the YMCA for a nice swim in the lap pool since it was a beautiful day. A lady was swimming in the lane next to the shower where I was rinsing my hair out, and she said, "hey beautiful!" haha I said, "hello." turns out she thought i was her girlfriend. I thought she was just telling me I was beautiful... Hahah thanks for nothing, lady! I saw Caroline perform in the med school's multicultural show in a Bhangra act. They were amazing!! My brother and I spent the evening watching boy meets world.

Saturday: i went to this training about watching for child molesters at church stuff, from which i left feeling more than slightly depressed. As i turned on the street where my apartment is, there was someone outside of one of the taco stands dressed up in a sandwich costume dancing around.... And i seriously couldn't stop laughing!!! it was just one of those things, i guess. :)

Sunday: my dad came to visit Stephen and i. He brought zep, and we went to the park and played frisbee. Later, alicia and I bought pink softballs at the store, and then met Scott at the park to hit the ball around :)

Monday: president's day = no work. Jog, lunch at cosmic cafe, ran some errands to complete my brother's house warming gift... A bamboo plant in a vase with some pretty rocks! He bought my sister and I both bamboo plants, so now we can all match. Finished a bunch of emails to faculty and finished a lot of our lesson plans for confirmation class. I'm feeling much less stressed out than earlier this weekend. Yay!


February 17, 2011

First flip flop day of the year. I also didn't wear a jacket or long sleeves for probably the first time this year. Man, I love living in Texas.

Scored my first meeting with a faculty member in Seattle. Sweeeeeet.

Mike is teaching geography to high school freshmen, and he sends out a mass text whenever something especially funny happens. Today he sent this:
Student #1: Mt. Everest is in Asia?!?
Mike: Yes...
Student #1: Why are our presidents carved on a mountain in Asia?
Student #2: That's Mount Rushmore you idiot!


February 16, 2011

My brother woke me up super early because he needed an iron, so I got to work a full hour earlier than usual, which means I got to leave an hour earlier than usual! And now it's 9:45 and I feel like it should be a lot later than it is, but I am enjoying this extra time at home!

When I came home, I sat on my balcony with my tulips, caught up on words with friends, and just sat still for a little bit. On one Longhorn Awakening retreat, someone talked about the importance of just "being," and I like to think about that idea. I think it's actually very helpful to just "be" every so often. It's very soothing.

We cooked this Italian soup stuff, and it turned out very yummy! I am excited about eating leftovers for lunch.

We also watched Modern Family together, and I forget how much I like that show. Note to self: start recording it.

Also, when I was leaving work, there were a bunch of us crowded into an elevator. I was one of the last people in, and as the door shut, the one man in the elevator said "7 women at one time!" And some woman said, "You're one lucky man!" Silly.


February 15, 2011

It was 70+ degrees today! Lunch outside happened, and I watched a bunch of travel podcasts as I ate. Beautiful.

The 1013 boys + girlfriends invited me over for tacos after zumba, and we stuffed our faces as we watched The Biggest Loser. Ironic much?

Skype date with Lisa :) She is great.

My sister told me I was her role model :)

And I got a nice call from a really awesome faculty member at the UT SPH telling me I was accepted :) WHEE!


February 14, 2011

My friend and I had lunch at a Mexican/Salvadoran restaurant, and I ate pupusas and they were DELICIOUS.

A long time ago, I filled out this survey for our qPCR machine manufacturer, and they promised a free t-shirt in return. WELL IT CAME. It says:

qPCR Goddess
n. Female who eats, sleeps and breathes real-time PCR.


Also, I love having my brother here with me. He is great, likes my cooking, and went to the park to work out while I did, and watched HIMYM with me. Best brother ever. THE END.


February 13, 2011

This weekend was extra great. I am falling asleep as I am typing this, but highlights:

Friday night: 500 Days of Summer with A and S. yay.

Saturday: So much got done like whoa. I played Suzie Homemaker all day, ran 7000 errands, sewed the buttons back onto my new coats, mended some shirts, went to work, went to Amy's and we saw Harry Potter in the dollar theatre. yay. I also bought myself some tulips at Kroger. Happy Valentine's Day to me!

Sunday: Mass and a cool lecture with CB at HT about theories of evolution and how they can intermingle with Catholic teachings. SO INTERESTING. Then Ray came to Dallas and surprised me! He brought me flowers and candy. We called Jaime to join us, I cooked those boys lunch, and then we drank root beer floats at this awesome restaurant called the Twisted Root. Walked around Deep Ellum, then my brother came! We sat around and chatted for a long time, they left, and bro and I got some sweet hang out time.

And I got into the University of Pittsburgh! WHEEEE


February 9, 2011

Joys from today:

1. Snow again. Went into work at 10. :)

2. I had another day of straight up hard work, and I got a lot done, including getting the results to the stuff I did with some of the tubes from yesterday. Chris was very happy with my work, fixed it up a little bit to show to our boss, who was very pleased with our preliminary results. Chris made it a point to note that these results were the product of "Emily's hard work today." I was happy someone noticed :)

3. Confirmation class was canceled, which was a total bummer, but I used that time to work on my UW research. I think I finally finished looking through enough faculty at UW to contact about their research and possible positions, so now I just need to start emailing. I was looking forward to teaching my first lesson, but things really worked out well for me!

4. Ray told me today that after he got to work, his car doors froze shut and his lunch was stuck inside. Poor Ray, but that's hilarious. :D

5. Nanny sent me a Valentine's Day card. She always puts $2 in it and says "Have a Coke on me." I can't wait to buy a Coke tomorrow. She also says that it makes her day when I call her. I think I'll call her tomorrow to thank her for the Coke. BEST GRANDMA EVER.


February 8, 2011

Today's little joys:

A. I've had 52 tubes of stuff for 2 separate experiments that needed to all go through this RNA isolation + cDNA synthesis process, which takes multiple hours and a lot of patience. All of my tubes started the day off at different stages of the process, but by the time the day was done, the final group was in the machine to finish the sequence, so I can do the real experiments tomorrow and have results by the end of the week! I've been gathering said tubes from various weeks of experiments, and it felt so nice to work hard all day and get these things finalized :) yay, science!

B. I bought a Barnes and Noble groupon the other day ($10 for $20 worth of stuff). On, I found a bunch of great stuff for super cheap! I bought Hook, The Breakfast Club, and Seasons 1 and 2 (I think those are the only 2 seasons?) of the British Office. If you bought $25, you got free shipping, so I went ahead and splurged. My total came to $27, so really I paid $17 for all that awesome stuff. And it shipped today, and I am excited!

C. Zumba.

D. YCP speaker event! The speaker tonight was this badass lawyer lady who only represents clients who make ethical decisions. She only decided to work with this firm because they let her have a family and didn't make her retire when she had kids. This lady was the freaking coolest. I want to be like her, except not a lawyer. She made it seem super easy to show your Catholic faith in the real world... very inspirational, and I want to be her friend. And there was this amazing pizza and sangria. And I was only 1 number off from wining an awesome raffle prize. I sighed really loudly and the MC guy was like "wow, just heard someone sigh. they must have had #82up43829." And I did. Jerk. Hahaha. Yay tonight.


February 7, 2011

This weekend was excellent!

1. It snowed about 6 inches on Friday. YEAH. I walked to work in the snow, and it was SO BEAUTIFUL and so so so so fun. :D
2. 1013 House Re-warming/Bass' birthday/Greg-got-into-Stanford Party :)
3. Superbowl at 1013
Other cool things happened here and there, but those are the big ones!

Today was beautiful because:

I had an epic EPIC kitchen fail. Here I was thinking about how good of a cook I've become, but tonight I attempted paella and it was a disaster. I realize my mistake, and I'm determined to try it again and succeed... but it is an epic epic epic fail. And you can't help but laugh when little humbling situations like that happen.

Also, the sun came out today, and during lunch I sat outside for about 30 minutes and I even took my jacket off. And my arms are now PINK. Sad. My skin has missed the sun, and it felt so nice :)

I went to a class called BodyFLEX! at the Y tonight, and it worked me good :)

Goodnight, world :)


February 3, 2011

Email from the University of Washington:

CONGRATULATIONS! I am delighted to inform you that the Admissions Committee of the Department of Epidemiology has made a favorable recommendation on your application to enter our MPH (General Track) program. An additional formal notice of admission should follow in 3-4 weeks from the UW Graduate School.



February 2, 2011

The best moments of today are very silly:

1. I was debating whether or not to go to work today, since the wind chill the morning was below 0 degrees. In my attempt to turn on the news and check how bad the roads were, I pushed the 'Power' button on my TV remote. At the exact moment, all of our lights/tv/fan/heater/etc shut off. I WAS FREAKING OUT. i.e. HOW DID I DO THAT?!

I was disappointed to find out about the rolling blackout schemes in Dallas today and that I did not, in fact, control electricity.

2. Since I didn't take my car yesterday, the hood and other parts were still covered with a pretty sweet layer of ice. Luckily, my windshield wasn't affected. Unluckily, all of my doors were iced shut and I seriously could not get into my car! Eventually, after some jiggling, I managed to get my passenger door cracked enough to pry it open and climb into the driver's seat. After about 15 minutes of letting the engine warm up enough to put on the defroster, I pulled out of my parking spot. About 10 yards later, my 'door ajar' light comes on. So all of the doors that were frozen shut apparently were not. Silly.


February 1, 2011

Yesterday was great because:
I got to spend the entire evening talking about Jesus with AMY! We are teaching 2 classes at Allison's church to confirmation students (I will teach the Wednesday class, and she'll teach the Sunday class). So our first class starts next week, and our chapter is about Jesus' Mission and Message. Amy is truly inspirational, and I wish I could be her student. Her passion for Christ is AMAZING, and we had a great time planning our lesson together! AND she had a coupon for buy one, get on free entree at Cafe Brazil... so it was awesome. I think we have some pretty solid ideas for our class!

Today was great because:
IT SNOWED. AGAIN. But more realistically, it rained ALL NIGHT and then dropped to 15 degrees. Everything is covered in these tremendous layers of ice... it looks pretty but it's super dangerous out there. Both airports shut down, the roads are scary, etc. My boss emailed us and told us to be careful and only come in if we have to. Well, unfortunately, she needed some of Chris and my data (Chris's and my? what is the appropriate grammar?), so I went in.

Due to my lack of sweet tires and the 70000 pounds of ice on my car, I thought it would be much safer to walk to work. And it was awesome. I wore my big rain boots, big socks, jeans, a sweater, my fleece jacket (thanks, sister), and my new red plaid pea coat, gloves, and a burnt orange beanie and trekked to the lab! I don't know how people do this on an everyday basis, and I'm sure it gets old, but it was fun to slide around the ice, crunch through frozen grass, and have the few brave drivers out there stare at me funny. I almost fell down about 800 times, and everyone else who came in made it safely :)It's not supposed to be above 30 for the rest of the week!! BRRRRRRRR!

Other than that, I recorded Colbert from last night, and I paused it so I could concentrate on my blog. Colbert is frozen with a very comical 'deer in headlights' kind of look... and it's making me giggle.

I love you, guys! Thanks for writing comments. You make me happy :)