
November 14, 2010

This weekend has been so great.

Friday: worked WAY later than I had intended, especially since I've been putting in a lot of extra time at the lab this week. However, all of my stupid cells were ready to start our experiment that afternoon, although we had predicted it to be around Sunday. Luckily, Chris stayed and helped me so I wouldn't be there all night. While we were working, he busts out his I Am T-Pain app on his iPhone, so we lysed cells and got ourselves autotuned at the same time. SO FUN!!! Made the night not so painful :) Met E and Alicia for dinner and drinks. We didn't last long out at all. We left the bar around midnight, and I was just so freaking exhauted and Alicia just let me sleep on her awesome couch with her puppy. It was a good night :)

Saturday: Softball got canceled due to an excess of rain. I slept on her couch until probably 10 or 11, and we watched awful tv and talked about boys and life in a very slumber-party-like fashion. The rest of the day was great. I got some work done, got my apartment mostly clean, got some groceries, and then just CHILLED for a few hours, which I haven't gotten to do all week. YAY. Then I made some corn salsa to take to Amy's for the game, but I couldn't get it to taste quite right. It wasn't until I was halfway there to realize I was missing cilantro (DUH), and so I just left it in the car. haha. Amy had a bunch of us from church in college over to her parents house for the football game, and it was so fun! I met a lot of cool people and caught up with some cool people. Amy made homemade pasta, meatballs, cake balls, and cannoli. Holy cow.... that food was amazing!!!! Ended the night with a little karaoke on Greenville. Kevin and Greg sang a Creed song, and I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Hilde put my name down as E-awesome and it made me happy. One random guy asked me how old I was. I told him 24. He says I look not a day over 21. I know. He asks if I'm wearing any make up. Not really. He says to take it however I want, but he thinks I'm gorgeous. That makes me happy.

Today: I am looking forward to getting a lot more work done, and MY SISTER is dropping by on her way out of town and I am SO HAPPY!