
August 31, 2010

Raegan brought me some palmetto and moon boxers from her trip to Charleston! How thoughtful! They are so adorable and comfy :)

My dad randomly just say hi! My dad always laughs about the song "Ben" by Michael Jackson because it was in some movie about a rat. When I told him that it came up on shuffle on my iPod today, we both started breaking out into the chorus. That morphed into us making fun of our dogs and each other to the tune and pitch of Ben. Later in the conversation, my dad told me he had an ear infection and about his trip to the doctor. Without hesitation, we both started singing about his ear fungus, once again in true MJ/Ben fashion. It was hilarious, and I love my dad. Upon getting of the phone, my roommate asked, "Does your dad have mushrooms in his ears?"

Songs, besides "Ben," that brought me joy today, for whatever reason. It was a music-centered day:

Lover, Lover by Jerrod Niemann

Jai Ho performed by the Pussycat Dolls

Waka Waka by Shakira

Also, Kris sent me this comic about why people wear lab coats. Very true! I wear mine because it's FREEZING in our lab, and because it makes me feel badass and sciencey :)


August 30, 2010

(via gchat)
me: diana got her first cadaver today

Alex: hahah did she name it

me: hahaha i don't know, actually
she said it was an 85 year old man with a lot of back fat
what a hottie
did you name yours?

Alex: om nom nom
yeah, we did
the mnemonic for the muscles in part of the palm is Air Force One (AFO)
so we called our cadaver Nelly

And then we sent each other Nelly songs on youtube and he sent me Heart of a Champion I've never heard before and it's awesome


August 27-29, 2010

This weekend was ridiculously amazing!
-Boss said I was smart
-Fave new tradition of swimming laps after work, nice lifeguards
-Spazmatics in Grapevine! Got on stage and danced/sang "Hey Mickey!"
-Tried Midori Sour and Liquid Cocaine for the first time (thanks, Ryan!)

-Nasher sculpture garden / Dallas Museum of Art: fave exhibit had all these traditional African tribal masks which were WAY AWESOME
-Rode the Uptown street car thing for the first time
-Took Charlie out to his first American bar
-Karaoke! Sang "Wannabe" with Hilde and Ashley/ "I Gotta Feeling" with Charlie and Ashley (and the random girls that jumped up on stage, and "Ice Ice Baby" totally solo.
-Hit Ashley in the face with the mic... hahahaha oops.

-Totally gonna sponsor a seminarian in India and I'm really excited about it
-Girl at church liked my dress!
-The Wiz was on BET!
-Blueberry muffins on sale
-Finally caught up with Danny and got to hear some awesome D.C. adventure stories


August 26, 2010

Today's winner: Texas Teas.

Honorable mention: Free screening of Going the Distance at Studio Movie Grill.

But mostly the Texas Tea.


August 25, 2010

Christine sent me some fantastic youtube videos that need to be shared with the world:

Penguins chasing a butterfly

Corgi Flop

Kiwi on a Treadmill

Fat Puppy

Fat Puppy exploding

Christine meant to send me the fat puppy video but sent me the exploding one on accident, and we had a good laugh!

Last night/this morning it rained. I've been waiting for rain for a long time. When I took my car in last week to fix my massive oil leak, they told me that all my oil had leaked all over the undercarriage and collected in all of the little car parts. It looks like my oil is still leaking, but they assure me the puddle under my car is just residual oil. They said it would take a good rain to clean it all out. On the way to work, I saw a few side streets with some awesome PUDDLES. I took and few detours to splash through all the puddles I could find! Every puddle I drove through made me a little happier inside. Hopefully that did the trick!

Tina and Michelle both agreed to recommend me for my MPH applications. FANTASTIC!!!

I am writing this on my porch BECAUSE IT IS 81 DEGREES!!!!!! NOT 110 like average!!! I drove Raegan to the airport, and on the way back to work I put the windows open and let my hair blow around without getting sweaty!


August 24, 2010

Today is my 3/4 birthday.

During lab meeting, I took down my ponytail. My bangs are too short to fit in there, so I have to use a bobby pin. I hooked my bobby pin to the pocket of my lab coat, thinking I'd put it back in later when I had a mirror. I stared at that bobby pin, saying to myself, "You're going to lose it, you better put it somewhere else," but I decided against it. Well, I lost it and was sad. Later, I found it in the break room on the floor, and all happiness was restored.

The guy who gave me a tour of the YMCA when I went to go join was working the front desk, and he immediately recognized me and started up a conversation, which makes me really happy. Turns out, he's a professional musician and plays piano in a blues band, and he invited me to their next show. The Zac Harmon Band. Check these guys out, they sound awesome. That is reason #1 why the YMCA made my day.

Reason #2: I walked into the locker room to change into my workout gear. There on the floor, were my polka-dotted Sketchers! Apparently, I left them there yesterday and didn't even realize it! There they were, just waiting patiently for me to return! I was so happy to see my shoes, even though they are old, beat up, and smelly (no wonder nobody stole them, right)!

Reason #3: ZUMBA. The girl who teaches it is phenomenal, and oddly she reminds me of Christmas Eve from Avenue Q. So much fun! One of the songs we did an ab work out was Lean Like a Cholo, and seriously, if that song doesn't make your day, I don't want to be your friend.

I also got to catch up with Laura up in Michigan who just finished her MPH and is now getting a couple of exciting job offers!! So happy for her!

Great day.


August 23, 2010

Today during lunch, Asha told me about a hilarious conversation she had with her 4 year old daughter. Background: Asha is preggo and she found out on Friday that she is going to be having a boy!!!! Yay! Her daughter, however, was REALLY hoping for a sister.

Me: How did your daughter take the news?
Asha: She said the strangest things. She said, "How about you and I both become witches, and then we can make a potion, and you can drink it to turn the boy into a girl!" And then we went to our friend's house this weekend with a newborn girl and she says, "How about when the boy is born, we can come back over and we can switch it for the girl!"
Asha: It's all those Disney movies about princesses and evil stepmothers and witches in her head!

Also today, after work I wanted to try this class called Nia Dance at the Y downtown. There was no parking, and as I pulled back out into the street to loop around, I didn't realize it was a one way... in the direction I didn't want to go. And just like any downtown in a huge metroplex, things are way too complex and weird for anyone's good. So naturally I think I know where I'm going.... and then get lost. BUT I ended up in this REALLY cool part of downtown (Field, Ervay, St. Paul ish area), and the shadows from the high rises made it look very hidden and awesome. I felt like I was exploring a long forgotten part of town. I'll have to go back there when I actually mean to get there.

So the description of Nia Dance on the group exercise handout says: "Nia combines movements from the dance arts (Jazz, modern dance, latin), and the martial arts (tai chi, tae kwon do, aikido), and the healing arts (yoga) into one fantastic cardio dance fitness class.

Cardio dance fitness?! PERFECT.

NOT. This is seriously the most hilarious thing I have ever done. What the class consisted of was a few mom aged women and one dad looking guy and the crazy hippie instructor, and for probably about 30 minutes of the hour, we were told to free dance around the room, totally interpretive style. Like literally running around, skipping, waving your arms, leaping, swooping, etc. AND EVERYONE WAS SO SERIOUS. And I felt completely awkward and silly. I had to turn to the back wall a few times and just laugh silently, and then go back to prancing around. At one point we had to pretend we had an Arabian scarf and we had to dance around with it. HAHAHAHA. Catch phrases used by the instructor: "Breath like an accordion" and "embryonic movements." It was pretty silly. The dad guy came up to me afterwards and he told me I was a natural. Thanks, man.

Finally saw the bed intruder song.


The beginning?

I've been inspired to write a blog! Mostly from other people who keep blogs, but also from a variety of other random places. The book Brownsville by Oscar Casares (who is a professor at UT) was recommended to me by a girl I used to work with, who took Dr. Casares's class and who knew my love of Brownsville. SHAMELESS PLUG: The book (and city) are fantastic. Anyway, one of the short stories in Brownsville is about this dude who keeps a little book of simple little things that he does each day. I think that's a fantastic idea, especially since my memory sucks, and I usually can't remember what I ate the day before. Just kidding, I always remember food. More like, I can't remember when I last got my tires rotated or when I saw the dentist, or whatever.

Anyway, the main reason I want to start a blog is this: I may not be the deepest, most enlightened, most interesting person of all time, but my life is freaking awesome. Awesome things happen to me. Not big awesome things, like winning contests or getting promoted. Little mundane things bring me so much joy, except these don't always stick in my brain like I want them to. This is my attempt to remember little things, like conversations, jokes, recipes, suggestions, whatever, that have unexpectedly brought me joy.

For instance, today Scott and I went to go see this exhibit at the galleria featuring art.... made with red bull cans. The contributions included a family of armadillos, a dress/headdress, a dog and fire hydrant, a statue of liberty doing a judo kick move, an airplane, and all sorts of other stuff... made from red bull cans. It was SWEET! Check it out here!

A variety of awesome things happened today in mass, for example. First, during the homily, the priest referenced a Peanuts cartoon that had Charlie Brown all bundled up to go play in the snow, but then he couldn't fit through the door, leaving Charlie Brown sad and frustrated. The priest then compared that to our lives: we get so ready to go follow God, but we are so bogged down with material things and other stuff that we can't fit through that metaphorical door. I thought that was pretty cool.

So that part of the homily took about 5 minutes. So the priest sat down and everyone was like "AWESOME." Or at least, I was. But then the deacon came up to the pulpit and starting asking everyone to get to mass on time. I thought... "seriously? a lecture?" But then this family of 5 came in at that exact moment (a good 30 minutes into mass) and made everyone in my row move over. Irony. I laughed. Awesome.

Behind me sat this cute little family: a mom, dad, a little boy about 8 years old, and a little girl, maybe 6. Immediately after the closing hymn is over, this conversation happens:

Boy: Dad, can we pleaaaaaaaaaaaase go to Souper Salad? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase?
(I laugh, what little boy ever wants to go to Souper Salad?)
Dad: No, son, not this time.
Boy: Dad, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase?
Dad: No, no, no. If you keep asking, I'll sing that song I made up last time. Remember?
Girl: Can we have pancakes?
Boy: I want Souper Salad! Dad, can we please go?
Dad: Do you want me to sing that song I made up last time we were there?
Mom: Kids, let's go before your father starts singing.

I was cracking up the whole time. What an adorable awesome family. I wonder what the song was about.

Also, Diana told me she fell asleep in the library and drooled everywhere.
