
September 16, 2010

Why today was awesome:
1. I woke up late, took a shower (an aberration for me in the mornings), and still made it to work at my usual late time sans shower.
2. I learned that the Korean king created their letter system only about 600 years ago. Before that, the Koreans used Chinese characters to write. I love having Korean PhD students in the lab. They are intrigued by American use of "super duper."
3. I left work early since I've been working super late everyday.
4. I got a haircut at the amazing Supercuts near my apartment. Yay.
5. While getting a haircut, I find out that I have over 10 inches of hair, so I can donate it to Locks of Love! I decided to not cut it today, since I'd be left with very little hair, but in a few months, I'll go ahead and make the cut :)
6. I got a hot fudge sundae with Scott. SO DELICIOUS.
7. I received 3 pieces of mail today, all good and not junk! My registration sticker from my mom, a letter from the Vincentian Congregation, and a postcard from Boston University about a prospective student's day. And I quote:

"Not just reading about HIV in Lesotho; traveling there to train volunteers and help the nation's health care system work from the inside. Not just watching the rise of obesity in children; devising the school-based programs to reverse it. Not just accepting the rise in autism; searching for its genetic risk factors. Not just realizing that low-income children get asthma; working to erase health disparities linked to race and income. Not just condemning torture; actively protecting human rights. NOT JUST DREAMING. DOING."


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