
January 31, 2011

Today marks 1 whole year as a working girl! What a crazy year this has been. I moved to Dallas Saturday Jan. 30, 2010, and started my first real job on Monday, Feb. 1st. I remember how terrified I was my first day. I was in this huge auditorium all day with all of the other new hires, which was over 100 people, not knowing anyone, not having a clue where anything was, or when to even report to my boss. I had no internet access in my apartment, no computer log-in, and no access to the wireless, and I was a stressed out mess. Luckily, I remember that night before, I called and begged Jaime to let me come over and use his internet so I could figure out where to go the next day. I remember eating lunch with some random girl I haven't seen since. I hope she's doing well, wherever she is! We learned about parking at UTSW's missions and policies and structure and payroll systems and benefits and retirement plans and blah blah blah. It was long, boring, and super scary.

WOW. I seriously can't believe that was a year ago. So many things have changed. I am happy with the work I have done this past year. I went from knowing absolutely nothing about heart development or working in a lab. I still don't know much about heart development, but I can sound like I do to Joe Shmoe :) I've learned techniques and protocols and stainings and procedures. I've killed my first animals, cut off my first heads....

I've had my own bench with my own drawer and my own shelves with my own jars of my own reagents that I made. I have my own storage space in the different freezers, I have my own tasks and responsibilities. People know my birthday, where I came from, what my handwriting looks like, and know not to steal my pens (well, maybe they are working on that).

My boss tells me all the time that she appreciates my attitude. I've learned how to make other people in the lab laugh, and I've learned to read their actions to find out when their pissed and don't want to be bothered. I've learned that co-workers are co-workers, and 99% of the time, they don't want to be your friend outside of work, as much as you like each other.

As you can see, I'm pretty stinking proud of myself for what I've learned this past year. I've been reflecting on just how much I've grown up, and although I am sad that I've lost a little more of my "youth" (or whatever), I am extremely happy with where I am now and the adventures of the year that got me here. Thanks, God, for all you have given me :D

Great things happened today, but I'll leave that for tomorrow. Thanks if you read this lengthy and more serious post :)


January 30, 2011

Last night at E's we watched the Prestige WHICH IS SO AWESOME AND BLEW MY MIND.

And I finished Shawshank Redemption WHICH IS ALSO SO AWESOME.

Today was a very productive day. I, for once, felt in the mood for breakfast food, so I cooked half a package of turkey bacon that I've had in the freezer for a long time. And quite honestly, I think that was the first time I've ever cooked bacon for myself. YEAH. I'm 24. GO ME. So that felt cool.

E, Alicia, and my new friends Mary Claire and Cameron, went to Pocket Sandwich Theatre to see their production of O Brother, Werewolf Art Thou? It was a cute little theatre where they give you popcorn to throw at the actors, and they encourage you to cheer for the hero and boo/hiss at the bad guys. It was super fun :) We ate ice cream brownie sundaes there. YAY. YAY YAY YAY for today!


January 29, 2011

This is post #101! Whee!

This weekend, thus far, has been the We planned to go out to Knox Street Pub (originally a girl's night, but that kind of didn't happen) and have fun, and since I'm broke, no drinking for me. A night of good clean fun!

So after a full week of low self-esteem, I decided that needed to change. I broke out the cute black dress. AND my newly purchased red high heels. I needed to know that a random sample of young men are capable of thinking I'm pretty and want to talk to me. I needed to prove to myself that I've still got it.

And girls, I've still got it. :)

So then today, Alicia and I went shopping so she could get some new outfits for a special occasion, and it was fun to pick out cute dresses for someone else to buy :) And then we went walking on the Katy Trail with her Yorkie for about an hour. The weather is SO SO SO beautiful. It was about 75 degrees this afternoon (while our friends in NYC are having the snowiest January ever... HA).

GREAT DAY. Movie night tonight. Doesn't get any better than this.


January 27, 2011

Scott took me to the Rockets vs. Mavericks game tonight as my Christmas present. The Rockets were down by 20+ at the half, but they really came back to make it an extremely exciting 2nd half. We ended up losing by a few points, but it was fun!! I still maintain Houston teams > Dallas teams.

My boss was very happy with me today. I like being on her good side.

I had lunch with Ellen. I brought her some chicken quiche that I made, and she liked it :)



January 26, 2011

Ray got a job today!! YAAAAAAY

My new coats came in today!!

My skin was extremely dry and awful, but I just used a boat load of lotion so my skin feels so happy :)


January 25, 2011

Yesterday's joys:
1. My brother sent me a text in the morning saying "I love you big sis, kick some rat ass today." <3
2. I responded by sending him, my dad, and my sister a picture of a mouse I killed with it's intestines and uteran horn + embryos hanging out. I followed it up with a picture of said embryos in a petri dish. Everyone was grossed out and it was awesome. I sent them to James and Scott eventually, and they both freaked out. I enjoyed that greatly.
3. Dinner with Alicia and Elizabeth. Girl talk yayayayayayayay :)

Today's joys:
1. I was feeling super super stressed today, but I asked the undergrad intern for some help and he followed through in a BIG way. He embedded some hearts for me (which takes a good 2.5 hours), froze them into a block, and sectioned them for me. Seriously, this saved me probably 3 or 4 hours of work. I am so indebted to him today. WOW. Nice nice guy. It made me feel really cool today, also. Normally people give me work to do to help them on their experiments, and finally, I got to be the one asking for help on menial but time consuming tasks. But yay, Tao, for saving the day!
2. At zumba, two girls introduced themselves to me. They work at a church downtown, and they were very nice. New friends! yay!
3. I made this awesome sausage and vegetable stew. OMG it tastes so good, and it's really more substance than broth, which I really really really like.
4. I got to catch up with Diana and Megan via phone. <3 those girls!


January 23, 2011

This weekend was so relaxing.

Friday: I drag Scott to eat at Roly Poly (I loved this place in Houston but they shut it down... so I was REALLY excited to find one in Dallas) and Pokey-O's for dessert. POKEY O'S TAKES TWO COOKIES OF YOUR CHOICE AND PUTS A HUGE SCOOP OF ICE CREAM IN BETWEEN. Obviously, it was AMAZING on 3 different levels. Then we came back to my apartment, and because all I wanted to do was lay on my couch and read my book, he got his book and read it on our other couch. Yay, good friends and book club :)

I finished a scrapbook of my college life summer 2007-December 2008. YAY!
I also ran 4-ish miles. Stephen invited me out to his cousin's birthday at Pete's Piano bar, and we had an awesome night of singing!! I requested Proud Mary and Ice, Ice Baby, but they only sang Tina Turner... surprisingly. IT WAS SO FUN!

Sunday: My cousin, Karen, invited me over to watch the Packers vs. Bears football game. I've never really hung out with her or her husband before, but they were super cool and their friends were very nice. They cooked some fantastic chili!


January 20, 2011

I got an email from Victoria's Secret with some promotion codes. I always read them, but never buy.


An extra 30% off of clearance coats? Free shipping for purchases over $25? YES PLEASE.

I bought THIS and THIS.


Greatest purchase of all time.


January 19, 2011

Today was awesome because:

1. Across from our lab building is another building connected to the main one by a 3 level walkway encased in glass (or whatever... you can see through it). I looked out the window of the break room this morning to see about 4 different guys with huge nets chasing a bird that got into the glass hallway somehow. I watched them running and swatting frantically for about 5 or 10 minutes, and they couldn't catch this pesky little bird! Another guy was flapping his arms, clapping, and banging on the walls to, what I assume, scare the bird off of its various perches. This scene was hilarious :D

2. I've had a pile of papers on my bench of various notes, calculations, instructions, and orders that I've been meaning to put in my lab notebook, copy elsewhere, put in the computer, etc. The last 30 minutes of the day, I consolidated/pasted in my notebook/input into the computer everything, and I am very very happy :)

3. I am dog-sitting for my boss, and her dog is adorable and awesome!

4. I learned to play Low Rider on my harmonica.

5. I've been singing "Purpose" from Avenue Q all day, and it makes me happy.


January 18, 2011

I started reading a collection of Grimm's fairy tales, and these stories are so bizarre and not at all kid-friendly, which I personally find hilarious. I was reading one at lunch about this princess who dropped her golden ball in a pond, and a frog told her he'd get it for her if she promised to let him be her companion: live with her, eat with her, sleep in her bed, etc. She was like "yeah, sure, whatever frog" and totally got her ball back and blew him off. So the frog shows up at the castle, and the king makes her hold up his end of the bargain. So after dinner, the frog wants to sleep in her bed, but she gets grossed out and throws the frog up against the wall to kill it. And then it turns into a prince and they live happily ever after. yeah... okay. Hahaha

In zumba tonight, I came late so I had to stand at the front of the class. After class, one of the guys in class says "hey, fancy feet. Have you been inspired to learn to dance. I have. You look like you've got some latin moves." Or something to that effect. I was happy that I didn't look like a complete idiot to someone and my salsa lessons have, in fact, paid off :)

I'm going to re-start re-teaching myself the harmonica again :)


January 17, 2011


So, I found out last night that I didn't get into Emory, which honestly came as a complete shock. I have awesome GRE scores, a great GPA from a great university, great references, and great experience. I guess there are just better applicants out there, which makes me REALLY REALLY sad. However, that makes me happy since these people are going to be huge game changers, going out into the world and making a difference in the health of thousands around the globe, so I guess I should be mature and be happy for that :) I took the night to cry, eat cookies, and watch mindless tv, but I really really really appreciate my family and the few friends I mentioned this to, who all called and left me some nice voice mails and text messages. :D My mom sent me this email this morning:
Good morning Darlin.

I hope you are feeling better today.

I’ve been doing some thinking about the Emory decision. Here’s what I have come up with:

You cannot let one institution of higher learning determine what and how you learn. It can only determine where you learn.

Emory rejected your application, they did not reject YOU. It is not personal decision, it is only business to them. So don’t take it personally. Apparently, there are many people with great resumes wanting to do the same thing you want to do. This might just be a blessing to the world.

Now is the time when your courage and faith are being tested. It is time to accept the challenge of finding the right place to go to school and have faith that you will excel wherever you go to school.

I have faith in you. You will be fine. So put your “big girl” panties on and go to the zoo. Don’t let a good day go to waste by being sad.

Hugs and kisses from a girl that has graduated from several fine universities of hard knocks

I have a great Mom.

So today I decided to just let it go and start being awesome again. I threw that stupid rejection letter in the trash can, along with their stupid info packet they sent me, and got on with my life. I was going to donate some stuff to the Salvation Army, when I saw a sign for an oil change for $19.99. Yes please. I stopped in, and the guy was SO NICE. He had all these repeat customers coming in, and he remembered exactly what kind of car they had, what their problems were, etc. They all talked about how great this place is. Cool! So it's my turn:

Guy (German accent): How can I help you?
Me: I saw your sign for your oil change for 19.99 and I want one.
Guy: Oh, well I will have to charge you a little extra (with a laugh so I thought this was a joke)! What is your name?
Me: Emily
Guy: Oh that is a very popular name. We have many customers named Emily.
Me: That's because Emilys are the greatest.
(he laughs and goes to get my car)
Guy: Emily the greatest, your car is ready.


And then another lady came in and was finalizing my paperwork:
Lady: $29.99.
Me: What? I thought it was $19.99...
Lady: Oh, that price is for smaller cars. they didn't tell you?
Me: NO! (well, I guess he actually did, but I thought he was joking...)
Lady: Oh! Okay! Well we will charge you the special price then! Add us on facebook.


And then Kate and I went to the Fort Worth Zoo. It had at least 7 giraffes, a baby chimp, baby flamingos (which are gray and super fuzzy... who knew?), bears, tigers, lions, and otters, etc. And every single animal was out playing around. I guess they appreciated the rare afternoon of sunshine we had today, after about a week of freezing temps and rain. We went to the botanical gardens, threw leaves at each other, stopped on the way back for ice cream sundaes, and it was a great day.


January 16, 2011

Yesterday wasn't as productive as I had hoped, but it was extra awesome. Jaime called and we went on a food adventure! We ended up at Rock'n Taco, which I've been wanting to try since I moved here :) It was tasty and awesome. We watched Boy Meets World all day, and then met Lobo and her cousin + friends for dinner. One of said friends is the president of the young adults group at my church, and she invited me out to this event I've been too nervous to go to. Now I have no excuse. Lobo + Alicia + E + Scott and I all went to Lemon Bar and met Diana + friends. I ran into my friend Mitch from my time in Brownsville + his old fraternity brothers, who really hit it off with my friends :) We made new friends throughout the night, and we had a really great time.

Today Lobo and I slept super late, then I threw some stuff in the crock pot to make Garden Vegetable Tabbouleh Stew, so I'll try it here in a little bit (hope it's good)! Went to work, then to E's to watch Shawshank Redemption, then to mass, and now home. It's been a great day.

Which is great because this blog totally just served it's purpose. I just got some really bad news, and after typing this I've been reminded that life is actually quite awesome, I have been blessed in so so so so many ways, and that everything is going to work out okay.


January 15, 2011

The past two days have been excellent!

Thursday, after work, I made instant mashed potatoes and bbq chicken, and I subsequently ate the entire bowl of potatoes. We're talking a LOT of mashed potatoes... :D YUM. Scott and E came over, and we all drove out to FW to go to Billy Bob's, world's largest honky tonk. AND IT WAS AWESOME. I love living in Texas! This place was enormous, with a stage, dance floor, bigger stage and dance floor for concerts, pool tables, a few bars, a restaurant, arcade games, a rodeo arena, a fake bull to take pictures on, and a gift shop. Kate, her brother, Lobo (who is in town for the weekend!!!), and Diana all met us there, and we had a really fun night!! At one point, per Diana's request, we "wolfpacked" and went up and asked a group of guys to dance, to which they were huge jerks and gave us all kinds of excuses, and all their friends came up and started yelling and causing a scene.... so we were like WTF let's go, and we danced with each other, which was definitely more fun than dancing with them, I'm sure. LOSERS.

Yesterday was fun, too! After we all finished our work, we had beer hour at work, sans boss. Caroline and I kind of monopolized the beer since the boys were being shy about it. Fun times ensued, and we got to know the new guys. Caroline, Chris, and I all went to Gloria's afterward, which is the first time we've all really gone out together. I enjoyed spending time with them :)

I am excited about today! I've decided it will be full of productivity before Lobo gets here :)


January 12, 2011

WAH! I didn't post yesterday! I was so sleepy!! Which bummed me out because there were lots of little joys found in yesterday's events.

1. Even though I worked til 7, I got to know more about these new people in our lab, and I think they will be very cool.
2. Elizabeth volunteered to pick me up to go to the Young Catholic Professionals event, which was super nice and out of her way, because I was stuck at work til 7. I thought she would be waiting on me, and that stressed me out tremendously, but she literally called me the second I opened my apartment door. Seriously, perfect timing.
3. The speaker last night was super cool, and we got to meet a lot of cool new people, including a food scientist for Pizza Hut and another girl starting grad school at UTA. I saw Ashley and Paul there, along with a few other people I've met the past few events. :)
4. Elizabeth and I had a great heart to heart in her car when she dropped me off, and I like having great conversations like that.
5. Somehow in the middle of the night, the cat climbed into my t-shirt drawer and then proceeded to get itself stuck. So around 3 am I hear this weird noise, figure it's the cat causing mischief, only to find it hanging in my clothes in my dresser.... hahaha.

1. Everyone felt so cohesive at work today. Everyone was in a great mood, cracking jokes, working together.... it was just a joy to be around everyone today.
2. I've had this itch to redecorate my room, but then I called my mom to get some advice, and she poo pooed the entire idea, saying I need to wait til I get where I'm moving to. Save money now and do it later. Which made me REALLY sad since I was at the store picking out things I loved. So I started trudging out of the store having a little pity-party, and then I looked up and this random girl smiled at me. And seriously, the power of a smile is amazing. I snapped out of that stupid funk, realized my mom was right, and I felt better. Thanks, random girl in the store.
3!!! THE MOST AWESOME THING HAPPENED TODAY. Apparently, they raised the coke machine prices to $1.50 (or maybe it has been that price for awhile but I just thought they were $1.25? Who knows). Anyway, I only took $1.25 down to the coke machine. I put it in, press Coke Zero, and the machine is like NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT IT'S 1.50!!! And it won't return my change. There are people waiting behind me, offering me only scowls and no help or words of encouragement or anything. Then, thank the Lord, as I'm banging on the machine, these guys walk out into the hall (I think they were maintenance guys):

Guy: Machine eat your money? Ate mine last week!
Me: WAH. I know! I don't know what to do! It won't give me my change back!
Guy: Oh! Looks like you just need a quarter right?
Me: Yeah, but I have one upstairs, I just....
Guy: Hold on, let me get you a quarter.

The guy goes up to all his buddies in the hall asking for a quarter.
They don't have one.
Guy runs outside to catch someone else... yelling HEY GIVE ME A QUARTER.
Guy gives me a quarter.
I buy coke zero.


And then I end the night with a skype session with Christine, Lisa, and Ray. And then I find a really nice comment from Kayla on my last post. WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL DAY


January 10, 2011

"Tearing up my Heart" came on the radio today. FOR REAL. How can that NOT make you happy?

Alicia took me to Urban Taco for dinner, and then introduced me to Dexter. After 2 episodes, I'm pretty sure I'm hooked.

I'm uploading pictures to facebook from the past year that everyone has been bugging me for, and I am happy to look back on so many great memories, mostly weddings, of 2010.

Two new people joined our lab today, and I am pretty much the welcoming committee. I felt important when people came to me for questions. YAY I'm mature and responsible!


January 9, 2011

Some really cool things have happened in the past 24 hours that are very rare:

1. Last night, out with Diana and Alicia, I was introduced to one of the guys on UT Cheer. So nice and so hot. Well done, world. However, I stopped talking to him because:
2. I met this girl who is the future me (hopefully). Seriously. Same basic undergrad experiences (except hers were a lot more awesome), but is in her 2nd year at Emory. Studying public health. Global health and epidemiology. WHOA. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO BE DOING OMGOMG OMG OMG. She gave me her number and said to let her know when I get accepted, and if I come to Atlanta, I'll have a place to stay. WOW. MOST AWESOME ENCOUNTER EVER.
3. Today it snowed!!! Didn't stick on the ground, but snow is snow and it was pretty to watch from my window as I did nothing all day.
4. That's not true. I finally hung some pictures (of our awesome UT photo shoot, old friends and roommates, and a painting from Ray) on the wall and finished my Tucker Max book. I have all sorts of ideas of how to improve my room and life, and I'm excited to act on them.



January 8, 2011

Yesterday was stellar because I got to chaperone a high school confirmation lock in with some old friends from college, Allison, Amy, Ashley, and Adam, and we all wore burnt orange sweatshirts independently. We looked like an awesome mafia. I had a lot of fun catching up with them and sharing laughs as we accidentally ripped the fake linoleum off of the floor and stopped teenagers from beating each other up with pool noodles.

Today has been great because we finished the lock-in, and then I went to the lab to finish some stuff, then I passed out for a solid nap. Got ready, then Stephen picked me up to go to his friend's wedding out of town. The wedding was beautiful, the reception was fantastic, with lots of dancing and barbeque. Stephen and I really got a chance to talk and it was nice. Now, about to hit the town with Alicia and Diana and I'm very excited (even though I was already in my pjs ready to go to bed)! <3 today


January 6, 2011

Last night this blog thing was down so I couldn't post, but I just wanted to say that yesterday was good because I made awesome pork chops, corn, and mashed potatoes for dinner. And I cleaned my baseboards and ceiling fan and they look AWESOME. And I did laundry as I worked in my new red heels. WHEE.

Today was good because I brought leftovers of said dinner for lunch today. tastaaay tastaaaaaay. Scott got a gift card to cheesecake factory, so we ate there, and now I have lunch for tomorrow too. And it's before 11 and I'm going to bed. GOODNIGHT!


January 4, 2010

Asha didn't come to work today WHICH PROBABLY MEANS SHE'S HAVING HER BABY!! wheeeeeeeeeeee BABIES!!

Totally in love with Billy Currington's new song.

My goal for the week is to NOT spend any money. I REALLY wanted a Diet Coke today, but I didn't cave! WILLPOWER FOR THE WIN!

I also realized halfway through the day my panties were on inside out... which made me laugh silently to myself throughout the day :)

There were a lot of new people in zumba tonight, and there was this one girl who literally ran around during one song and started crazy dancing next to different people. Maybe she knew them, maybe she didn't? And after one especially booty-shaking song, she announced, "this class is going to get me a boyfriend!" I laughed.

After the Chris suggested it, I half-wrote some lyrics to an "I'm on a Boat" remix about being in a lab. If I ever complete them, I'll post them :) But it's funny to me, because I'm created a whole music video of my lab in my head. :D

During cooking/eating dinner, I watched Prince Caspian! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. FOR NAAAAAARNIA!


January 3, 2011

Dear blog of mine,
It's been awhile since I posted. I promise I won't neglect you any longer.

We were given Christmas Eve off, and I took the entire next week off from work. 10 WHOLE DAYS OF VACATION! It went by too quickly, and I feel super refreshed and happy. The past 10 days were fantastic. We went to Nanny's for Christmas Eve/morning, and spend the afternoon with Dad. My family and I got to spend a lot of time together, which is so important nowadays since all of my siblings and I live in different cities with completely different life schedules. Rachie is at UT, my brother is a grad student in Houston, soon to be moving up to big D for a hoity-toity fancy-schmancy accounting firm internship, and here I am working full time. It's funny how we've grown up, but we all decided that we'll always be close to each other. I had a heart to heart with Stephen in the car one afternoon, which may have been the first time EVER. MY FAMILY IS THE GREATEST!

Not only did I get to spend a lot of time with my family, but friends were all home for the holidays, as well, and it was a rare treat to see some old faces together again, as well as meeting some cool new people!

New Years was great, too. Christine and Roger were in town for a wedding, and some of their friends plus Alicia and I (after waiting an hour for a cab) went to dinner, then to Victory Park in an attempt to watch the fireworks and ring in the new year. However, it was crowded and smelled bad, so we went to a cool bar and spent the night laughing and having a chill time :)

Today was the first day back at work. womp womp. I was pretty ready to be back, but now I feel like I need a vacation again :) I'm excited to get stuff going again, and I hope this turns out to be a good year for me!

Why today was good:
I walked home for lunch today. That was fun! I made a salad and put baby corn in it. WHO DOESN'T LOVE BABY CORN?!
I also put some chicken in it, and left some little pieces of chicken out on the counter for the cat to eat. :)
Alicia lent me this book called "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell". It's awful but I can't put it down.
My boss brought us all chocolate from Germany!
I bought pictures to put in my new collage for my wall. YAY.