
November 29, 2010

Wow I haven't blogged in almost a week! As I took vacation from work, I tried to take vacation from the internet and focus on my family and friends. So here goes nothing!

Wednesday was my birthday!!! YAY! 24 on the 24th :D Whee. Since we were driving to each other's cities, Mike and I figured out a city to meet in (it was very much like one of those "Train A leaves the station at this time and travel x mph and Train B travels at y mph" math problems from high school) to eat lunch, and he's awesome so lunch was awesome. I made it home in time to hang out with my sister, Nanny, and my Aunt Cecelia. We spent the whole afternoon hanging out, watching tv, and when my mom came home from work we chatted and ate homemade pigs in the blanket with Looney's sausage. Looney's is this little country store in Nanny's hometown that makes this RIDICULOUS homemade sausage. It's seriously legendary. That night, Heather picked me up, and we went to Wild West to celebrate! So many good friends came out, even though many of them don't like dancing and/or country music, but we all drank, danced, and had a great time :D I have wonderful friends who would sacrifice their evening to come and hang out with me!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Vanessa made me some awesome earrings, my sister picked out a badass sweater, my brother gave me BOY MEETS WORLD SEASONS 1-3, my mom got me fitted for some awesome green and purple running shoes, and my dad hooked me up with some itunes and candles. GREAT GREAT GREAT day. I love my birthday!

THANKSGIVING!! Probs my fave holiday. Woke up early and Rachel, Stephen, and I helped mom/Nanny/Aunt Cecelia in the kitchen. We ate turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, and a bajillion other things, followed by peanut butter pie and a pumpkin pie. SO GREAT. I wanted to go into a coma, but instead I drove my sister to Parth's house in SL so he could take her to the UT/A&M game. Since I was in the area, I went to my dad's for a little bit and we just lounged around and played with the dogs. Then, I drove back to Mom's and found everyone, including Aunt Cathy, Rick, and Nathan playing Farkle, a dice game our family is crazy about. We always bet a dollar per round, and Nathan won both games. It sucks, but I don't really mind losing to Nathan. He has a lot of problems, but gets a lot of joy out of learning how to count and count his money, and it's nice to see him so happy. The other main point of the day was the UT/A&M game, which I won't speak of on my happy thoughts blog, but I went to bed early and that felt nice :)

Some awesome stuff happened. When Nanny/Aunt Cecelia left, I went to my dad's house. He was busy, so I met up with Ashley at Starbucks for a few hours. It was so so great to see her, especially since she lives in NYC and we only get to catch up once or twice a year. Later, we had Thanksgiving Round 2 at Dad's, eating the same types of food as we did at Mom's. DELICIOUS. However, at my dad's house we eat chocolate pie, a recipe passed down from my grandma. SO GOOD. Afterwards, Christine and Lisa came over for a bit, and we chattered on for awhile and watched Boy Meets World. Afterwards, I hung out with Taylor for a bit. It was soooooooo nice to see my old friends!!! :D

Saturday: Slept like a billion hours. Woke up to meet Mom to get fitted for my new running shoes. I've never had someone look at how I walk, the wear in my old shoes, and measure my foot to determine the right kind of shoes for me. He helped me into a pair of Brook's Defyance shoes, neon yellow/green and purple, and they are AWESOME. There was a cute guy in the shoe store that kept making funny comments to us :) We ate at Quizno's next door, and then the funny cute guy came in to get lunch and made more cute/funny comments. Met the Spain girls at Ruggles :D SO WONDERFUL TO SEE EVERYONE. SO HAPPY!! Went to Mom's to say my goodbyes, ended up staying and using power tools to help set up curtain rods and hang them. Went to Dad's to hang out with him since I barely got to see him all weekend. We ate leftovers, and then he left to go somewhere and didn't come back all night. I decided to watch BMW and work on my scrapbook :D Got to catch up with Kate though!! That was nice!

8 a.m. mass. Bob's Taco Station for breakfast. Came home, packed, and left. Ran in my new shoes when I got home. It was a beautiful afternoon: perfect temperature, sunny, new shoes feeling great, and the right amount of motivation to run. I ran for 30 minutes straight with no blisters :D When I came home, I found some pants on my floor that did NOT look like they were mine. They didn't fit and they didn't look like the right material of the pants I thought they were. SO I FREAKED OUT. WHOSE PANTS ARE THESE?!?1 Some girl came to feed the cat while my roommie and I were gone, so I was like OMG THIS GIRL SLEPT IN MY BED AND LEFT HER PANTS. I was totally freaking out. I called Rachel, who got the same pair of pants last Christmas, to ask her the brand and what not. She sent me a picture of hers, and sure enough... the mystery pants were actually mine... just shrunk and faded from the washer/dryer. Seriously though, they didn't look like my pants. Oh well! Went to 1013 where the boys made burgers and we brought cake and broccoli. yummmmmmmmmmm. Kyle called and we got to chat for a little! YAY!

I ate this Santa Fe bowl from Taco Bell my mom found at the grocery store. It was really good, and I got to sit outside and read my book during my lunch break. Asha told me I was getting really good at sectioning on the microtome. Met some really cool people at pint night at the Flying Saucer. yay yayayayayyaya


1 comment:

  1. Okay I had never had anyone look at my feet and how I run eitherrrr. But I got fitted for some running shoes earlier in the semester too AND I got Brooks too!! I think. Mine are orange and white. :) BEST COLORS EVER.
