
April 30, 2011

I'm sorry for not keeping up with anyone's blogs!!! I can't wait to go through and read the posts I've missed in the past few weeks. One of those moods, I guess :)

Sometimes my life is so epic I can't even stand it. Exhibit A:

Last night, Elizabeth invites me to this country music festival thing. Her friend from college was coming into town and invited her to go. I was really looking forward to spending some time at home, but I decided I was being lame and agreed to accompany her. Because who doesn't love a little live country music? RIGHT?

So. Her friend tells us it's a little west of Fort Worth (about 45 minutes away). And we could bring our own beer and that we would have a place to stay if we drank too much or if we were too tired to drive back afterward. And it would cost $26 to get in. All fine. Great ideas.

So it wasn't actually a "little west of Fort Worth." It was actually in Stephenville, TX. Almost 2 hours away out in the freaking boonies. And by "place to stay" meant bring your tent... because they are camping on the concert grounds.

We didn't know what to expect at this point. We didn't really know how far it was, but E had a map pulled up on her iPhone, which then died as soon as we made it to the town. We stopped at a gas station to ask how to get to this ranch where the concerts were, and continued on while trying to get a hold of her friends on my phone.

We pulled into this ranch land by dirt road, where hundreds of people had parked their RVs and set up tents, beer cans strewn everywhere. We can't get a hold of her friends, so we pull up to figure out where to park. The parking attendants inform us that we can't park with E's friends because only 1 car is allowed per campsite. If we want our own campsite it would cost $44 to park. Otherwise, we could go down the street to park for $15.

Not cool.

So then they inform us that we can't buy just a 1 day pass (like the website said we could) for $26. We would have to buy a 2 day pass for $40. At this point, it was around 10 pm, and we only wanted to stay that night. E and I were like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO. Finally her friend answered his phone and came and found us at the gate. He found a simple solution to the problem:

We snuck in through the barbed wire fence into the camping area while he parked the car somewhere since he already had a weekend pass. So yeah. Elizabeth and I, carrying her friend's 24 pack of warm beer (our nicely chilled beer was left in the car), climbed through the barbed wire fence and wandered around until we found the stage. This isn't like... campground in the forest scene. It's a huge plot of land with REDNECKS everywhere. Tents and trucks and beer and bbq pits. And overalls. And jorts.

We ended up having a really fun time listening to music and eating corn dogs. It was soooooooooo windy and we were covered in dirt and beer, but we didn't mind after a little while. Since it took us all day to get there, we decided to pitch E's tent and drive back in the morning.

That's the basic gist of last night. We were REALLY iffy about it, but it ended up being a really epic adventure :)


April 27, 2011

Diana and I went to Iron Fork, a conventiony type thing where all these restaurants in Dallas give out tastes of their food and wine. There was a chef competition, too. WE ATE SO MANY GOOD THINGS. IT WAS RIDICULOUS. AND AWESOME.


April 26, 2011

Easter weekend was fantastic :)

Cowboys Thursday night!

Drove home Friday, went shopping with Mom!

Museum of Natural Science with Mom Saturday to see the Texas history exhibit, then Easter vigil mass with my Dad. Then met up with Sarah, Heather, Vanessa, and E in midtown :)

Drove to Austin in the Camry Sunday to eat lunch with my sister and dad, then back to D-town in the Rav. It's nice to be back in my old car and not in a rental.

Got my fingerprints done for my Peace Corps application Monday! That was pretty cool. My fingers were red from the ink the rest of the day!

Today was a good day of zumba and dinner with my brother!


April 20, 2011

Today was good because:

1. Volleyball was fun! I almost didn't go last minute, but I'm glad I did.
2. I received s bunch of legal documents to fill out to give to the peace corps recruiter, and I got some sheets so i can get finger printed. Coooooool :)
3. I keep a box full of important papers, and today i cleaned all the stuff out that I didn't need anymore and i feel accomplished.
4. A bunch of us ate lunch in the break room at the same time, which I feel like rarely happens (or maybe I feel that way because I never stick around and eat there), so that was nice.
5. I had my chat status saying "on the scope" and every time bass got on, he changed his status to make fun of mine or to counter it. The raegan jumped in, too, and it was fun :)


April 19, 2011

This weekend was just great.

Friday: Allison's birthday dinner and drinks with Travis. Good times.

Saturday: SOFTBALL. Made some awesome catches in left field. The sprinklers came on in the outfield, so we had to delay our game while we waited for them to get shut off. That's silly. Preston came in from Boston, so we went to dinner with some of the old UCC crowd and then went dancing at Cowboys. Made new friends. yay.

Sunday: My bro came over for dinner. That was fun. Something else good happened that day, but now I can't remember what it was!

Monday: Everything was good.

Tuesday: Today is good too. I'm so tired.


April 14, 2011

I got all of my stuff out of my car, my sheep Balthazar included, and got to say goodbye. Maybe that's lame, but I love inanimate objects. Sometimes more than i love certain people.

Some stainings I did worked, and my boss was happy with me. Boss happy = Emily happy

Went to my first Texas exes happy hour with Elizabeth, and we made a new friend.

My new sperrys came in, and they fit nicely.

I learned how to work the air conditioner in the rental car, that was a good move.

I beat Robson in words with friends! I never win! Yay!


April 13, 2011

Asha and Chris both got papers accepted to be published this month (or at least very very recently), so Michelle brought in a bottle of champagne to celebrate :)

We started a new volleyball season, which we won 2/3 games and made new friends. Yay.

Also, my car is totaled, but my insurance company is going to cut us a check for over $10k, which is nice. Overall, my mom didn't really lose any money out of this situation. They also extended my rental car use until the 22nd, which is very nice, too. This situation really sucks, but I'm really really really trying to put on a happy face and find the positives (although I haven't been doing a good job, I'm really trying).


April 11, 2011

Today was good because:

1. I thought I was going to be super late to work, but I made it to the collision repair place, got my damages assessed, and got a rental car... And still made it to work around my usual time.

2. The guy who I met with at service king repair was around my age and super hot. And we made jokes and were less than professional. I could have sworn he was chatting me up, but that's probably his job. Oh well :)

3. I hit a major Monday wall earlier than usual, but i bought a dr. Pepper and it changed my whole morning around!


April 10, 2011

After I posted Friday, I really wanted to go buy myself some new Sperry top-siders to celebrate my accomplishments of the week. Alicia and I head to the mall for happy hour and shopping. I order some new shoes, yay.

On the way out, I got into my first car wreck ever. The joys of the situation: nobody was hurt, my car is damaged only in the front. Alicia was there to help me maintain my hysteria, Megan was there for me at my apt, my mom wasn't mad, and Vanessa was there via g-chat to let me talk about it for a really long time when I couldn't sleep.

Saturday: Megan and I watched season 1 and 2 of the office all day, then Kristin and Robbie came over. We played cards and Bananagrams, then went to dinner, then to see Your Highness (which is awful, btw). Then we were joined by Scott and Travis for some dancing at Cowboys. Travis took us home, and we all tried to watch a movie but we all fell asleep... haha

Sunday: We watched more Office, then Stephen and Rachie came over for lunch. We all ate lasagna and laughed about all sorts of things. Hung out with Megan and Travis for awhile longer, then did laundry, took a nap, went to church, ate dinner, here I am. Fun fun fun weekend!


April 8, 2011

Took the day off from work.

Peace Corps application = DONE!


April 7, 2011

I made a decision! I am going to Pitt in the fall! I feel about 100000 pounds lighter! My deposit is in the mail, and there is no turning back.



April 6, 2011

A lot of things went right today:

1. I finally did an overhand serve at volleyball that went over the net!! It was in practice after the game, but it was still awesome.

2. Christine agreed to be my 3rd recommendation for my PC application. yay.

3. The volleyball league shirts say "winning!" on the front. That is also awesome.

4. I heard a new (maybe?) Jason Mraz song on the overhead radio thing in the grocery store. Maybe I've just never heard it before. But that was awesome.

5. I watched last night's NCIS as I cooked/ate dinner, and it was SO good.

6. I spent a good chunk of lunch just praying about school. That was definitely awesome.

7. As I pulled into the parking lot, a lady came down to her car and was tearing it apart. Then a guy came out onto his first floor patio right near her car, asked if she was looking for her cell phone, because he just found it in the parking lot and picked it up to turn it in. It was, in fact, hers, and she was very grateful. What a nice guy!


April 5, 2011

The wind was blowing just right when I walked out of the front doors to the building to walk to the parking lot so that I could smell the newly bloomed roses in the garden out front. Beautiful!

Tonight was the monthy young catholic professionals speaker event, and the guy who talked tonight was the creator of carpool at a&m. Sooooo cool. Also, my autocorrect just changed a&m to s&m... And I wonder who programed that originally...

Elizabeth and I had a good heart to heart, and my dad and I did, too. Great day!


April 4, 2011

Boss's birthday celebration at work!

Rangers game with $4 tickets. I bought a hot dog (okay, 2 hot dogs) for the same price each. Yay. Rangers won so everyone was happy. I don't care about the Rangers, but I love me some baseball and some friends and some hot dogs, so it was a good night :)


April 3, 2011

Whee! This weekend in Austin was SO SO SO GREAT.

Friday: Amy and I had a great drive. Vanessa and I hung out and watched Stephen Colbert sing Rebecca Black's "Friday" on the Jimmy Fallon show. SOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY. We watched Ghost Adventures, Vanessa's guilty pleasure, and I got scared but we had fun :) We watched something and one guy said to another "I will rip your endocrine system out of your body" and we laughed.

Saturday: LA alumni picnic! My sister came and we saw many old friends :) SO GREAT. Met up with Jamie/Ray/Rebekkah/Rob for hiking in the greenbelt, then dinner at Santa Rita combined with Ramon/Nathan/Vanessa/Angela, and then met up with Lisa/Bill at Mozarts to laugh about old times. Also, Jamie got pooped on by a bird on her balcony right as I got there.

Sunday: Julia cooked me lunch and then Amy and I had nice drive back to Dallas, then mass, then my brother cooked me dinner followed by ice cream and Modern Family.