
November 1, 2010

Halloween weekend.

Friday: Michelle instituted a "beer hour" at the lab to celebrate everyone's recent accomplishments. I LOVE hanging with the people I work with. This cool guy from some other lab came to ask someone a question, ended up drinking a beer with us, and told some hilarious stories.

Found an awesome football jersey to pair with heels and a skirt for the party that night. Some sciencey dudes, including the head of our department, have a rock cover band, and some people from the lab went out to watch them, and some of my friends came, too! We had such a fun time :)

Saturday: HILARITY. Went to go put some flowers on Grandma's grave (happy birthday, Grandma!), and somehow at Kroger I managed to split the entire crotch of my jeans without my knowing. I was giving everyone a free show. Booooo. Changed my pants in the car at the cemetery... so much for being respectful. It was hilarious. Softball was awesome, as usual. Then we all went to Cowboys for a little dancing :) Hilde let me borrow her woodland fairy costume, and we all looked great and had an awesome time.

Sunday: SCRAPBOOKED. For the first time in forever. I basically did nothing all day. It was so so so so so so so glorious. Got to catch up with Jamie and James :D

Today: I got a buttload of work done today, and Chris used my data in his lab meeting presentation, and I felt very proud of it all. :) Kris made this dish with rutabaga in it, and it was tasty :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you scrapbook! I never felt like I was artsy enough to do it. And the pants story cracks me up, too funny. I wonder how long it had been like that before you noticed???
