
December 7, 2010

Something awesome happened today.

I accidentally shut the cat in the cabinet where I keep my blankets and dvd's. I was sitting in my room, and I heard this weird noise, dismissing it as my roommate working on her crafts in the living room. But it kept banging around, and I look out to see the door bouncing around as that stupid cat tried to open it from the inside. I felt really awful.... but it was actually HILARIOUS. Stupid cat!

Today was good because:

1. Sarah posted this video on her gchat status thing and I saw it before I left for work.

2. This website exists. My new favorite waste of time.

3. There have been a bunch of silly little tasks building up on my bench at work, and I finally took some time to go through them and get them done. Anxiety levels decreased exponentially.

4. Since I worked late, I went to a later zumba class. The instructor and some of the other ladies there were talking about their extra skin and fat from being moms, and they all started laughing and giving me crazy warnings for the future. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And then they all said bye to me afterward. Yay for making new friends!

5. I need 1 green bell pepper for crock pot experiment #2 of the week. Unfortunately, I forgot said pepper last time I went to the store. I ran across the street to the supermercado, armed with 10 dimes, hoping that would cover 1 pepper. I felt pretty silly handing the cashier my pepper and paying her 50 cents. She gave me a weird look as she put it into a bag. I ran back across the street, and the entire trip took maybe 3 minutes. This is just funny to me.

6. Lots of little things have been piling up on my to-do list at home too, and it's been stressing me out. Today, however, I folded clothes, cut up all the vegetables, etc for my crock pot tomorrow, unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, took out the trash, took out most of the recycling, organized my receipts from shopping this weekend, got together all of the stuff I need to return tomorrow, picked up my floor and my bathroom, and I am feeling pretty great about everything!

Looking forward to tomorrow :)


  1. I really love that kid! And I think it's incredible how much better I feel after I get started on my list of things to do, even if I don't come close to finishing! The beginning is the hardest part. :) Mmm crock pots, that's what I should have been doing all finals season! Whoops.

  2. Aww. When I went to go post that comment, the word verification was "blessed."


  3. Hahahahahah omg I just spent like an hour on the Auto Correct website laughing my butt off.
