
May 31, 2011

Sunday was great because the 3 of us went to our dad's house, and he cooked BBQ ribs and then afterwards we shot baskets in our driveway and taught Stephen how to do cartwheels in the front yard. Rachel and I pulled out our old bikes, put air in the tires, and rode around PG for awhile. We felt like we were 10 years old again! It was great!! I gave my dad the hilarious father's day card I found where you open it and it sings a silly song about baby poop. My favorite part says:

Sometimes it's all warm and gooey
sometimes it looks like dijon mustard
sometimes it looks like melted crayons
but most of the time it just smells like POOP!

Monday was excellent because I went to breakfast with Heather, and then lunch with Lisa, Sharon, Megan, Mike, and Alex. Our server was terrible, but we got some pretty good laughs out of it! It was so so so so nice to see all of them! <3 <3 <3

Today was good because, although zumba was cancelled, I ran into this girl that I talk to in class, and she said, "that's okay, I'm going to do yoga instead!" So I said, "okay, I'll go, too!" And we did. And it kicked our butts, but the instructor came by multiple times to show me better ways to do things, and I was VERY appreciative of her help!!!

Also, today at work, I got completely CALLED OUT and embarrassed horribly for having a drink too many Friday night out with my co-workers. It was HILARIOUS. I turned soooooooooooooo red, but I think everyone got a pretty good laugh out of it, so I think it all turned out okay :)


May 29, 2011

This week has been pretty pretty crazy. Right now, I'm sitting at home in Houston with my whole family, celebrating mother's day yesterday and father's day at my dad's later today. Last night, we grilled hamburgers and watched Toy Story 3 :) It's rare that all of us siblings are in the same place at the same time, so it's been very nice to spend time with everyone! :)


May 24, 2011

This weekend was so fun! Megan, Sarah, and I spent a few hours eating and shopping. We found some ridiculous deals at the mall. I was buying some stuff at American Eagle, and I remembered I had a gift card. I thought it had a dollar or so, but it turns out it had $24 on it. AWESOME!

We all went over to 1013 to eat and watch the Mavs play their 3 game of the western conference finals. They won, and we had a good time!

Sunday, Stephen cooked some awesome chicken for lunch. I got to catch up with Christine on the phone for a few hours, and then I got to hang out with Sean when he got home from his trip. We cooked some stuffed bell peppers with this jalapeno and cheese sausage that he bought. SO DELICIOUS.

yesterday i went for a great swim after work!!

today there were some crazy crazy storms. i was stuck at the lab until about 8:30, when the tornadoes rolled through dallas, so I was stuck there for awhile. Seung Tae and I got to watch the storm roll in before we took cover. The sky and the lightening were beautiful :) I was happy that so many people called/texted to see if I was okay! What good friends I have! so lucky!


May 21, 2011

Friday was a good day because of the following reasons:

My cool experiment worked! YAY! My boss was happy, and I was relieved. A new girl joined yesterday, and she is very very nice. I missed Caroline's WIPS presentation, but Asha brought me back some pizza, which was so thoughtful!

Alicia had the grand idea of putting on our sweatpants and ordering carry out. We ordered from this Thai place I've been meaning to try for awhile, and it was a delicious delicious choice. Megan came shortly after, and the 3 of us had some EPIC girl talk. They showed me this episode of SATC where Carrie gets broken up through a post-it note, which made us laugh extra hard because it's translatable to recent situations in our lives. We all exchanged our silly online dating stories, while drinking great cheap wine. Alicia found this Messages from Match site, and it is SO FUNNY. Later, Megan and I ordered pizza and fell asleep watching the office :)


May 19, 2011

My life is so awesome right now. Magalie came to zumba with me on Tuesday, and afterwards we went to her house to eat Ikea meatballs and potatoes. It was SO delicious. She and her boyfriend showed me their pictures they took at the zoo, and we had such a fun time.

Wednesday was good too :) Volleyball games were fun, and then we had a drink (or two) outside at a table as well as LOADED TATOR TOTS. OMG SO DELICIOUS. I caught up on a few phone calls, hung out with Sean a little bit, and had a great relaxing night.

Today I had a lot to do, which made the day go by really quickly. I am starting a new cool experiment, and it was fun to work on today! I hope it turns out well! After, I helped with final confirmation interviews at the church, and just hearing some of what these high schoolers had to say was very inspiring :)


May 16, 2011

This weekend was AWESOME.

We saw Sherlock Holmes vs. Godzilla at Pocket Sandwich Theater, and afterwards karaoke at Hilde's. AWESOME.

Saturday was Jaime's birthday party, and then afterwards softball playoffs. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. The boys almost got in a fight over "illegal bats." We celebrated at this awesome Italian restaurant afterwards.

Sunday Rebekkah and Rob rolled through town, so it was nice to eat and go to mass with them. I got to show Bass the lab when I went to go split my cells. Sean and I walked the Katy trail for a little bit. It was nice.

Today, I woke up right when my alarm went off, so I got to work at 7:45! That was nice to get to leave early. :) We started our Monday softball league, and it was super fun! We lost our first game and won our second. It was awesome. yay life.


May 11, 2011

I forgot to mention that yesterday, when I came out of the mouse room, I lost my little shoe-covering-bootie thing we have to wear to not track pathogens in and out of the facility. I had my arms full of cages and binders, and a lady stopped and put it back on my foot saying, "Just like Cinderella!" It was great.

Today Sean picked me up and took me out to lunch on his way home from his test. A very unexpected but awesome adventure :)

Ashley and I did a FANTASTIC job in our confirmation lessons tonight, and I am thrilled that they are done!!

May 10, 2011

Work today FLEW by! That was a nice change of pace. It was a good day.

Zumba and the YCP speaker event were good, too!

Sean came over and we finished watching best of Will Ferrell and ate Half Baked ice cream. OMG.


May 9, 2011

This weekend was great. In summary, James came to visit. We saw Rio, and it was awesome. Saturday Magalie invited me to her zumba class, and then James and I met his cousin for lunch. Afterwards, Kate came over, and then later we went dancing. Sunday we went to the Mavs vs. Lakers playoff game. Mavs won by a million points, and it was actually really exciting :)

Today was good. I met up with Sean to work/study at Cafe Brazil. I got a bowl of fruit, and they even made it WITHOUT melons! YAY! Strawberries, pineapples, bananas, and oranges. mmm mmm mmmm.


May 6, 2011

It's 3:00 on a Friday and I'm not at work anymore. That is unexpectedly joyous, although I think I have some kind of stomach virus/food poisoning/weird reaction to something I ate, so the circumstances surrounding my early release are not particularly great, but this whole blog is about finding the positives, right?! RIGHT.

Since I became sick suddenly last night, I did a lot of laying in bed and watching tv. I saw an episode of Jimmy Fallon and his guests were Whoopi Goldberg, Jennifer Hudson, and ELMO. YEAH. IT WAS AWESOME. If none of those 3 make you happy, I don't know what will. :)

and now, back to laying in bed


May 4, 2011

Yesterday was good because Scott cooked this ridiculously delicious chicken for dinner. Seriously, it was out of this world tasty. Note to self: invest in Montreal seasoning.

Today was good because Angela A. is in town for training for her new job, so she, Yajaira, Heidi, Drew, and I met up at Starbucks to catch up! It is always so much fun to be around those girls (+ husband), and I look forward to seeing them again soon!!

Magalie and I ate lunch outside, and we had a great conversation in the sunshine!

Rachel + vball team taught me how to set. Rachel threw a ball up for me, and as I was setting I yelled "setting!" without even thinking about it, and everyone laughed, and I felt funny for the first time in awhile :)
I bought a little box of sushi from Kroger when I went to buy some groceries, and there wasn't nearly enough ginger for my liking. I put the wasabi on it instead, and it was for the first time I've eaten it since I initially tried it and decided it wasn't for me. This time, however, I thought it was surprisingly good. Maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between wasabi and me. Wasabi and I?


May 2, 2011

Stephen, Jamie, and Jaime came over for dinner :) The latter brought crack cookies (my weakness...)! Stephen showed me chimpanzee riding on a segway.

I have the best brother and friends.

May 1, 2011

After posting yesterday, I grabbed lunch with Sean, then ran errands (like dropping off my recycling... which was great because it was causing huge stress-inducing piles in our laundry closet). Softball game, then took Magalie and her boyfriend to Ikea so they could buy a few things. I took them to Torchy's Tacos for dinner, which they both liked :)


It was dark and gloomy outside (and cold! 50 degrees!! WTF, Texas?), so I made the executive decision to stay in bed and watch my Jimmy Fallon episodes on DVR until noon or so.

I hunted for scholarships and research positions for a ridiculously long time, took a break for church. Fr. Joseph had a really great homily, and he told a funny story about how he started singing "this little light of mine" in the elevator at his sister's workplace and everyone started singing along and clapping (he said, "they must have been Baptists."

Then I returned some body wash to Kroger which had been sitting on my counter for about a month. WHEEE!

I worked on more school stuff, then decided F THAT. I put on my Big Bang Theory DVDs and finished 8 pages of my Italy scrapbook I started a few years ago. I have maybe 5 more pages until it is DONE! What a feeling that will be.