
October 28, 2010

I completed all of my grad school applications today! Everything else from today gets dwarfed in comparison. I AM SO HAPPY/RELIEVED! Now the waiting begins :) Final decisions are (in order of preference):

1. Emory
2. University of Washington
3. Boston University
4. University of Pittsburgh
5. UT

Here goes nothing! WHEE!!!

Also, funny story.
Background: My roommate is super artsy. She is making her boyfriend's halloween costume, which is a gigantic mushroom. It looks great. But anyway.

I'm cooking dinner, and washing some mushrooms. My roommate is in her bathroom right next to the kitchen. I'm putting the clean mushrooms onto the cutting board, and one rolls off the counter and DONK. Right onto her cat's head.

And I laugh and laugh and laugh. Mostly because I hate that cat and it just got hit in the head by my mushroom.

My roommate comes out and she's all like wtf what's so funny. I told her the story. Her response?

"Mushroom karma."

Apparently the cat was clawing up her bf's mushroom costume earlier. She deserved to get donked on the head. THE END.


  1. Hahahahahahaha I hate that cat for you, even though I have never met it.

  2. Oh it's a super crazy cat, hahaha. Way too attention-needing.

    So proud of you for getting all of your grad school apps in! I can't wait until you know where you're going, that is so very exciting!
