
December 1, 2010

It's December! I think I might go buy myself an advent calendar somewhere BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. Especially the ones we had when I was little where you get a piece of chocolate for every day of December.

Today is also World AIDS Day. AIDS, you suck. This makes my happy thoughts journal because SO SO many people are working to fight AIDS and help patients worldwide, and a special shout out to the organization FaceAIDS, which I volunteered with for a short time in college. They do great things. My uncle Matt, unfortunately, lost the battle with AIDS, and it makes me really happy to see so much effort out there to help those out there struggling. YAY humanity!

In other news, I made delicious pork roast for $3. It was premarinated and everything, so all I did was bake it on Monday, and I ate some of it today. Thanks, Kroger, for your discounted meat section.

I did yoga again today. It kicked my butt and it sucked. But I love feeling like jello.


  1. My groupon is finished. BOO. I have another one for a different place that does REALLY hot yoga (like 105*, the place I was going was just 85-90) that I'm saving for when I come back next semester. Hooray jello!

    I didn't know it was World AIDS Day. At the Duke game last night there were lots of red ribbons so I figured they were raising awareness but I didn't know that that was why!


  2. The chocolate advent calendars you speak of...I have never stopped getting them since I was a child. Every single year I look forward to them and this year I even got a Halloween one!!
