
October 4, 2010

To finish the weekend:
Heather made me ride Tilt-a-Whirl for the first time, and I'm so glad she did, because it was so fun! Eventually, we met up with my sister, Parth, and their friend Kelsi, and Diana and her friends, and ran into Joe and Amy. Joe is in Teach for America now, and it was really interesting to hear about his new life! We saw the Eli Young Band perform, and they were pretty good! A drunk OU guy asked me to dance (no one else was dancing), so he clumsily led me in a hilarious two-step. haha! Also, got my 2nd backrub of the day from Diana's friend, who bit my ear really hard about 10 minutes into meeting me, so that was his way of offering to make up for it. Yeah.

Turns out, Diana and her friends missed the train back, so we ended up taking them halfway. I was mad at the time, but looking back it's pretty hilarious, especially since they decided their only other option was to be pushed back in some abandoned stroller they found.

Sunday, Heather and I slept late, then I went to go play softball for a few hours! We won our game at noon, and then another team invited me to play with them at 1, and then we had our 2nd game at 2. We won again! We're on fire! It was a beautiful day, I found my sunglasses, and now I have a ridiculous sunburn on my face, complete with raccoon eyes from said glasses. Hahaha. Also Sunday was work, mass, then dinner at Kris's, and he cooked this ridiculously tasty chicken/potato/rice curry stuff, and it was soooooooooooo good.

Today was good because:
-Aloe vera exists. I went to Kroger during lunch to get some, and now my face feels soooooooooo much better.
-Greg and I started off with nothing to talk about at lab meeting, but it ended up being pretty good. My boss told me I did well, even though I didn't feel like that at all!
-Charlie brought me some realllllllllly awesome hand creams from his trip to New York! How thoughtful!!!! :D
-Robson came back into town for work! We went to see Jaime and Laura, ate at Ramen Republic, where we ate last time, and once again, I put way too much spice into my meal. My lips were burning and my nose was running, but it tasted SOOOOOO good. Afterwards, we played pictionary, wore sombreros/boxes/octopus things, and laughed at each other. My word was Democrat, but I mixed up which animal is associated with with party. So I tried drawing an elephant with stars and stripes, but according to the boys, it looked like a turtle with a clown nose, so it morphed into a party turtle. The donkey I tried to draw looked like a unicorn. Everyone made fun of me until Laura couldn't remember how to draw a fish, and made the triangle for the tail face backwards. HILARIOUS.

Goodnight, working world!


  1. Ohhhhh my goodness. Sounds like a super fun day/weekend :) !!!!!

  2. I need to visit you soooooooooon.
