
December 26, 2010

Christmas at all of our houses were awesome :)


December 22, 2010

I got to eat dinner with Ellen and her family. THEY ARE SO COOL. I love being around families that obviously love each other so much. We watched Elf after dinner. That's 3 times this year for those counting at home.

I drove around to look at Christmas lights, but I wasn't impressed. I am very lucky to have grown up in a subdivision that goes berserk with lights every year. I can't wait to go home :)

December 21, 2010

We took a lab field trip for Thai food for Christmas! YUM.

DALLAS STARS GAME!! My first hockey experience. It was surprisingly AWESOME. I want to go again! I took the Dart line that just opened by my apt and it was AWESOME. YAY.

I drank a lot of diet coke, so when I got home I went for a jog on the treadmill and now I still have a boatload of energy... and it's WAY past my bed time. OH WELL.

And the lunar eclipse last night was AWESOME. YAY TODAY


December 20, 2010

I think I am finally done with Christmas shopping!

When I went to the post office to buy some stamps for my Christmas cards, the line was verrrrrrrrrrry long. I bought my stamps and moved off to the side to put them on the envelopes, when I heard the girl behind me ask the clerk for 1 stamp, but she only had her credit card or a 50 dollar bill. Almost everyone in line jumped to give her some change, and the clerk said, "Wow, there is a lot of Christmas spirit in here!" And if that doesn't make you happy, I don't know what does.

For Christmas, Scott bought us tickets to see the Rockets play the Mavericks :)

I am going to go out and see the lunar eclipse! Lunar eclipse + winter solstice! COOL!


December 19, 2010

Quick recap!

Thursday: EPIC night of girl talk. Alicia made this amazing chili, and she, Elizabeth, and I sat around and talked for 4 hours about every crazy date we've been on, awkward encounters, our frustrations with boys, and other things of that nature. SO GREAT!

Friday: CHRISTMAS PARTY! We had so much fun :) Spiked cider, white elephant exchange, sausage pinwheels, watching the boys sing "Vindicated"... good times. Diana and I wore headbands with huge bows on top so we could be presents. We looked adorable :)

Saturday: Felt sick all day, but I did some stuff at the lab, picked up my apartment, watched some Christmas movies on DVR, wrote some Christmas cards, did laundry, and took a MONSTER nap without being bothered by the cat :) Then I got all dolled up, and Scott took me to his company Christmas party at this 5 star restaurant/hotel called The Mansion. It was super fancy, the food was AMAZING (chicken, salmon, kobe beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, ice cream, bread pudding), and his co-workers are very nice. His boss had some very nice things to say about him :) He took me home when I started feeling sick again, and we watched Elf and he kept me company while I moped on the couch :)

Sunday: Slept so late. Moped around for awhile, did some stuff at the lab, almost finished my Christmas cards, finished a few odds and ends of Christmas shopping, got my co-workers cards/gifts together. Ray came over, we went to mass, and then to the mall to see Black Swan with C-Bass. It is FREAKY and now I'm scared.


December 15, 2010

The high was 74 degrees. I love Texas!

GREAT GREAT GREAT AWESOME FANTASTIC GREAT results in the lab today!! I've done this experiment 9 times, and finally we're seeing what we wanted to see. HUGE. I feel so hopeful right now.

I got a Christmas card from my old boss, Christine, who says there is another little one on the way!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Found an AWESOME gift for our white elephant on Friday :)

Watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. LOVE IT.


December 14, 2010

Today was a simple day. I like days like these.


December 13, 2010

Today was nice :)

I started the day with not a lot to do, but I ended up finding the perfect amount to get me out EXACTLY 9 hours after I got there (with "1 hour" for lunch). PERFECT timing!

When I came home, I accidentally ate the entire mini-tin of homemade fudge I got this weekend. OOPS....

I watched The Muppet Christmas Carol! It was so much better than I remembered. I AM SO HAPPY! I'm definitely in the Christmas spirit now :)

Alicia told me about the Exercise TV free stuff on demand on U-verse, which she says is a great option when it's SO COLD outside like it is today! I tried the ABCS of hip-hop, a bhangra dance workout, and a Crunch Stilleto sexy workout. All were fun, and I felt pretty silly doing them, but it's exercise! I'm sure I'll get better once I get the hang of them... and I hope my neighbors below me don't get mad, because I'm trying SO hard to not jump around.

I also ripped my 2nd pair of jeans in the past 2 months. I don't know what's going on. One also wore a few holes in the butt, and one pair shrunk tremendously in the wash... so now I'm down to 3 pairs... uh oh.


December 12, 2010

Nothing beats good weekends :)

Friday was a good day at work, followed by a fast trip to Austin! I rolled into town, picked up my sister, went straight to Julia's, and then to EZ's for dinner :) MMMMMMMMMMM BURGERS AND CURLY FRIES. So great. She took us to Quack's, which is a little hipster bakery in Hyde Park that I didn't know existed, so we could get contraband baked goods for the movie we were about to see. Then we met Anna and saw THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. Which inspired much quoting of the SNL skit from a few years back. We had fun. Julia's new name is Pees on Earth, and she bought an angel shaped cookie for Anna and I to share because we were her angels in LA 48 (?). My sister and I had fun making jokes about random things all night. She snuck me into her dorm to spend the night :)

Saturday we woke up, I bought BSB/NKOTB reunion tour tickets (OMG OMG OMG OMG), and then we spent the day in New Braunfels for our annual Vajdos Christmas family reunion. I used to think they were really boring growing up, but we've all come to really appreciate this time with our billion cousins and all sorts of people we don't remember. We had a really fun time, Mom won almost everything in the raffle, we got to ride the little train at the park with the little kids, and ate a zillion pounds of awesome food. Stephen won a bottle of whiskey, which was amazing because he dropped his name into the paper bag and said "this is the winning ticket, I feel it." And it was. Afterward, Rachie and I hung in the dorms for a little bit, reading (we call it Butt Club when we read books together... it originated as Book Club but somehow it devolved), and then we saw Tangled. SO GOOD!

Sunday! Posada at St. Austin's. I've never been to a real posada, and this one was pretty cool. We walked around to different doors of the church, and people were dressed up as Mary, Joseph, and angels. They stop and knock on the doors, asking if there is place for them at the "inns," and everyone turns them down except for the last door. Mass with Jamie, Ramon, Ray, and my sister, and then we met Vanessa and E for lunch. PHO! So good! Jamie has Just Dance II on Wii, so we played 2 songs, and then I left for Dallas. Now I've cleaned and done laundry, and looking forward to a great week :)


December 9, 2010

Today I don't feel like doing anything.
This song gets stuck in my head when I don't feel like doing anything and just want to lay in my bed. Like today.

As a lab, we went to Chuy's for Mingfu's goodbye party. FOOD SO GOOD. JALAPENO RANCH!

I did a lot today, and to reward myself I am not doing anything for the remainder of the evening. Okay really, it's 10:30 and I'm going to bed within the hour so nothing is really missed, but I've decided to just shower and pack in the morning and just spend the rest of the night reading in my snuggly awesome bed. SO GOODNIGHT, WORLD!


December 8, 2010

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception; therefore this little number was stuck in my head all day. :D

Today was great because I have a boss who doesn't care what kind of hours I work (as long as I get my work done) and I have a job that is super flexible. I left at 4 today, got a FANTASTIC run in before it got dark, went home and ate my lentil stew + couscous, and then went back to work for my last hour and a half.

Also, 3 cups of dry couscous makes a CRAPLOAD. I think I could feed a small country with the amount of leftovers I have. The recipe turned out really well! I'll probably freeze some for later since I have so much! As for the couscous, I have NO IDEA what to do with my huge pot of it. Oh well! Hahaha

I finished reading Their Eyes Were Watching God. YAY! On to the next book :) I think it will be Angela's Ashes.

In other news, I did Masson Trichrome staining for the first time today, and I felt cool and sciency getting dyes and acids all over my gloves and labcoat and stuff :)

AND I set a bunch of Christmas specials to record on the DVR INCLUDING A MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL OMG OMG OMG


December 7, 2010

Something awesome happened today.

I accidentally shut the cat in the cabinet where I keep my blankets and dvd's. I was sitting in my room, and I heard this weird noise, dismissing it as my roommate working on her crafts in the living room. But it kept banging around, and I look out to see the door bouncing around as that stupid cat tried to open it from the inside. I felt really awful.... but it was actually HILARIOUS. Stupid cat!

Today was good because:

1. Sarah posted this video on her gchat status thing and I saw it before I left for work.

2. This website exists. My new favorite waste of time.

3. There have been a bunch of silly little tasks building up on my bench at work, and I finally took some time to go through them and get them done. Anxiety levels decreased exponentially.

4. Since I worked late, I went to a later zumba class. The instructor and some of the other ladies there were talking about their extra skin and fat from being moms, and they all started laughing and giving me crazy warnings for the future. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And then they all said bye to me afterward. Yay for making new friends!

5. I need 1 green bell pepper for crock pot experiment #2 of the week. Unfortunately, I forgot said pepper last time I went to the store. I ran across the street to the supermercado, armed with 10 dimes, hoping that would cover 1 pepper. I felt pretty silly handing the cashier my pepper and paying her 50 cents. She gave me a weird look as she put it into a bag. I ran back across the street, and the entire trip took maybe 3 minutes. This is just funny to me.

6. Lots of little things have been piling up on my to-do list at home too, and it's been stressing me out. Today, however, I folded clothes, cut up all the vegetables, etc for my crock pot tomorrow, unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, took out the trash, took out most of the recycling, organized my receipts from shopping this weekend, got together all of the stuff I need to return tomorrow, picked up my floor and my bathroom, and I am feeling pretty great about everything!

Looking forward to tomorrow :)


December 6, 2010

Today was a good day.

So last night around 11:30, as I was falling asleep, Ray called and said he was on my street. I was like uhhhhhh... what? Turns out he was in Mesquite all day with his cousins and wanted to come by and surprise me earlier in the day, but his cousin's car broke down, so he was just leaving town when he called. He gave me a framed Starry Night poster like the one I used to have in 1032 but much prettier :)
It was a wonderful surprise!!!

Today, I had to work a lot in the 4 degree room, which hasn't been cleaned in quite some time, and it was pretty disgusting. Some other lab happened to leave some 409 in there, so I used it to clean our space and organize our stuff, clearing myself a little area to work in. Honestly, it looks GREAT now. I wore a big sweater and fuzzy boots today, and I wore my ear warmer thing that Emmanuel's sister gave me so I could not freeze my appendages off as I worked. I felt kind of silly walking around with all that plus my lab coat and gloves... but it's freaking 4 degrees Celsius in this room!!!! Everyone from the lab next door was out in the hallway as I moved my stuff in for the afternoon, and we all had a good laugh every time I walked past all bundled up, asking, "are you cold or something?" I like the people next door. I don't know anything about them, but they are very nice people.

After work, I met up with Elizabeth at a networking/speaker event with Young Catholic Professionals. We met a couple of cool people, drank some awesome cider, and listened to a really motivational talk given by this dude named George Ritcheske. I really liked what he had to say, and he talked about his kids with cerebral palsy, which of course touched my heard since I spent so many years volunteering with kids with cerebral palsy. He gave us all one of his books!


December 5, 2010

I. I am truly thankful for the people I have in my life.

A. I am so grateful to have friends that I can call at 2 am when I am PISSED OFF who will actually take the time to listen to me rant and fume and yell. Wow. I really hope I can be that kind of friend to someone someday. Not that I'm wishing bad things to happen to anyone... but thanks, guys. :)

B. I'm also grateful to have friends that willingly come over to try my food when I get the strange notion to really COOK. My friends came over for this:

Pork Chops with Jalapeno-Pecan Cornbread Stuffing

6 boneless loin pork chops, 1 inch thick (1 1/2 pounds)
3/4 cup chopped onion
3/4 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans
1/2 medium jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon rubbed sage
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
4 cups unseasoned cornbread stuffing mix
1 1/2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
1 egg, slightly beaten

Trim excess fat from pork and discard. Spray large skillet with nonstick cooking spray; heat over medium heat. Add pork; cook 10 minutes or until browned on all sides. Remove; set aside. Add onion, celery, pecans, jalapeno pepper, sage, rosemary and black pepper to skillet. Cook 5 minutes or until tender; set aside.

Combine cornbread stuffing mix, vegetable mixture and broth in medium bowl. Stir in egg. Spoon stuffing mixture into slow cooker. Arrange pork on top. Cover and cook on low about 5 hours or until pork is tender and barely pink in the center.

So it actually turned out pretty well :)

C. Joe/Amanda/Ryan/his gf came into town and we all ate lunch together :)

D. Allison had an apt warming party and I got to see some of the old UCC crowd. We had a fun time :)

E. I was anticipating going out later, but I fell asleep in my clothes in bed... and I felt silly when I woke up at 4 wearing some cute things. hahaha.

F. I had good runs yesterday AND today.

G. The deacon referenced a Beyonce song during the homily. HAHA.

H. Made some progress on Christmas shopping/errands/cleaning. Completely caught up on DVR. YAY.



December 2, 2010

Why today was a good day:

1. I'm working on ChIP again. It's a super long process and it sucks while you're doing it, but when someone else started doing it, I got really sad and semi-jealous. I think I started viewing it as MY project, and I have goals and expectations. I'm motivated when I'm working on it, and that makes me happy.

2. Alicia, Elizabeth, and I saw Love and Other Drugs at the Magnolia. We ate tacos beforehand. I love tacos. I've been wanting to go see a movie there. Jake Gyllenhaal is so attractive. Therefore, it was a great evening.

3. I've been reading Their Eyes Were Watching God, per Kate's suggestion, and I haven't really enjoyed it until today. It's finally getting good :) I like when women realize their inner strength and love for themselves, whether in real life or in literature! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!


December 1, 2010

It's December! I think I might go buy myself an advent calendar somewhere BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. Especially the ones we had when I was little where you get a piece of chocolate for every day of December.

Today is also World AIDS Day. AIDS, you suck. This makes my happy thoughts journal because SO SO many people are working to fight AIDS and help patients worldwide, and a special shout out to the organization FaceAIDS, which I volunteered with for a short time in college. They do great things. My uncle Matt, unfortunately, lost the battle with AIDS, and it makes me really happy to see so much effort out there to help those out there struggling. YAY humanity!

In other news, I made delicious pork roast for $3. It was premarinated and everything, so all I did was bake it on Monday, and I ate some of it today. Thanks, Kroger, for your discounted meat section.

I did yoga again today. It kicked my butt and it sucked. But I love feeling like jello.