
December 2, 2010

Why today was a good day:

1. I'm working on ChIP again. It's a super long process and it sucks while you're doing it, but when someone else started doing it, I got really sad and semi-jealous. I think I started viewing it as MY project, and I have goals and expectations. I'm motivated when I'm working on it, and that makes me happy.

2. Alicia, Elizabeth, and I saw Love and Other Drugs at the Magnolia. We ate tacos beforehand. I love tacos. I've been wanting to go see a movie there. Jake Gyllenhaal is so attractive. Therefore, it was a great evening.

3. I've been reading Their Eyes Were Watching God, per Kate's suggestion, and I haven't really enjoyed it until today. It's finally getting good :) I like when women realize their inner strength and love for themselves, whether in real life or in literature! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

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