
December 6, 2010

Today was a good day.

So last night around 11:30, as I was falling asleep, Ray called and said he was on my street. I was like uhhhhhh... what? Turns out he was in Mesquite all day with his cousins and wanted to come by and surprise me earlier in the day, but his cousin's car broke down, so he was just leaving town when he called. He gave me a framed Starry Night poster like the one I used to have in 1032 but much prettier :)
It was a wonderful surprise!!!

Today, I had to work a lot in the 4 degree room, which hasn't been cleaned in quite some time, and it was pretty disgusting. Some other lab happened to leave some 409 in there, so I used it to clean our space and organize our stuff, clearing myself a little area to work in. Honestly, it looks GREAT now. I wore a big sweater and fuzzy boots today, and I wore my ear warmer thing that Emmanuel's sister gave me so I could not freeze my appendages off as I worked. I felt kind of silly walking around with all that plus my lab coat and gloves... but it's freaking 4 degrees Celsius in this room!!!! Everyone from the lab next door was out in the hallway as I moved my stuff in for the afternoon, and we all had a good laugh every time I walked past all bundled up, asking, "are you cold or something?" I like the people next door. I don't know anything about them, but they are very nice people.

After work, I met up with Elizabeth at a networking/speaker event with Young Catholic Professionals. We met a couple of cool people, drank some awesome cider, and listened to a really motivational talk given by this dude named George Ritcheske. I really liked what he had to say, and he talked about his kids with cerebral palsy, which of course touched my heard since I spent so many years volunteering with kids with cerebral palsy. He gave us all one of his books!

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