
January 31, 2011

Today marks 1 whole year as a working girl! What a crazy year this has been. I moved to Dallas Saturday Jan. 30, 2010, and started my first real job on Monday, Feb. 1st. I remember how terrified I was my first day. I was in this huge auditorium all day with all of the other new hires, which was over 100 people, not knowing anyone, not having a clue where anything was, or when to even report to my boss. I had no internet access in my apartment, no computer log-in, and no access to the wireless, and I was a stressed out mess. Luckily, I remember that night before, I called and begged Jaime to let me come over and use his internet so I could figure out where to go the next day. I remember eating lunch with some random girl I haven't seen since. I hope she's doing well, wherever she is! We learned about parking at UTSW's missions and policies and structure and payroll systems and benefits and retirement plans and blah blah blah. It was long, boring, and super scary.

WOW. I seriously can't believe that was a year ago. So many things have changed. I am happy with the work I have done this past year. I went from knowing absolutely nothing about heart development or working in a lab. I still don't know much about heart development, but I can sound like I do to Joe Shmoe :) I've learned techniques and protocols and stainings and procedures. I've killed my first animals, cut off my first heads....

I've had my own bench with my own drawer and my own shelves with my own jars of my own reagents that I made. I have my own storage space in the different freezers, I have my own tasks and responsibilities. People know my birthday, where I came from, what my handwriting looks like, and know not to steal my pens (well, maybe they are working on that).

My boss tells me all the time that she appreciates my attitude. I've learned how to make other people in the lab laugh, and I've learned to read their actions to find out when their pissed and don't want to be bothered. I've learned that co-workers are co-workers, and 99% of the time, they don't want to be your friend outside of work, as much as you like each other.

As you can see, I'm pretty stinking proud of myself for what I've learned this past year. I've been reflecting on just how much I've grown up, and although I am sad that I've lost a little more of my "youth" (or whatever), I am extremely happy with where I am now and the adventures of the year that got me here. Thanks, God, for all you have given me :D

Great things happened today, but I'll leave that for tomorrow. Thanks if you read this lengthy and more serious post :)


  1. The last sentence makes me feel like I won a secret prize!! :) I'm so proud of you, can't believe you've been a grown up employee for a year!!

  2. I would never steal your pens.
