
January 4, 2010

Asha didn't come to work today WHICH PROBABLY MEANS SHE'S HAVING HER BABY!! wheeeeeeeeeeee BABIES!!

Totally in love with Billy Currington's new song.

My goal for the week is to NOT spend any money. I REALLY wanted a Diet Coke today, but I didn't cave! WILLPOWER FOR THE WIN!

I also realized halfway through the day my panties were on inside out... which made me laugh silently to myself throughout the day :)

There were a lot of new people in zumba tonight, and there was this one girl who literally ran around during one song and started crazy dancing next to different people. Maybe she knew them, maybe she didn't? And after one especially booty-shaking song, she announced, "this class is going to get me a boyfriend!" I laughed.

After the Chris suggested it, I half-wrote some lyrics to an "I'm on a Boat" remix about being in a lab. If I ever complete them, I'll post them :) But it's funny to me, because I'm created a whole music video of my lab in my head. :D

During cooking/eating dinner, I watched Prince Caspian! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. FOR NAAAAAARNIA!