
January 19, 2011

Today was awesome because:

1. Across from our lab building is another building connected to the main one by a 3 level walkway encased in glass (or whatever... you can see through it). I looked out the window of the break room this morning to see about 4 different guys with huge nets chasing a bird that got into the glass hallway somehow. I watched them running and swatting frantically for about 5 or 10 minutes, and they couldn't catch this pesky little bird! Another guy was flapping his arms, clapping, and banging on the walls to, what I assume, scare the bird off of its various perches. This scene was hilarious :D

2. I've had a pile of papers on my bench of various notes, calculations, instructions, and orders that I've been meaning to put in my lab notebook, copy elsewhere, put in the computer, etc. The last 30 minutes of the day, I consolidated/pasted in my notebook/input into the computer everything, and I am very very happy :)

3. I am dog-sitting for my boss, and her dog is adorable and awesome!

4. I learned to play Low Rider on my harmonica.

5. I've been singing "Purpose" from Avenue Q all day, and it makes me happy.

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