
February 1, 2011

Yesterday was great because:
I got to spend the entire evening talking about Jesus with AMY! We are teaching 2 classes at Allison's church to confirmation students (I will teach the Wednesday class, and she'll teach the Sunday class). So our first class starts next week, and our chapter is about Jesus' Mission and Message. Amy is truly inspirational, and I wish I could be her student. Her passion for Christ is AMAZING, and we had a great time planning our lesson together! AND she had a coupon for buy one, get on free entree at Cafe Brazil... so it was awesome. I think we have some pretty solid ideas for our class!

Today was great because:
IT SNOWED. AGAIN. But more realistically, it rained ALL NIGHT and then dropped to 15 degrees. Everything is covered in these tremendous layers of ice... it looks pretty but it's super dangerous out there. Both airports shut down, the roads are scary, etc. My boss emailed us and told us to be careful and only come in if we have to. Well, unfortunately, she needed some of Chris and my data (Chris's and my? what is the appropriate grammar?), so I went in.

Due to my lack of sweet tires and the 70000 pounds of ice on my car, I thought it would be much safer to walk to work. And it was awesome. I wore my big rain boots, big socks, jeans, a sweater, my fleece jacket (thanks, sister), and my new red plaid pea coat, gloves, and a burnt orange beanie and trekked to the lab! I don't know how people do this on an everyday basis, and I'm sure it gets old, but it was fun to slide around the ice, crunch through frozen grass, and have the few brave drivers out there stare at me funny. I almost fell down about 800 times, and everyone else who came in made it safely :)It's not supposed to be above 30 for the rest of the week!! BRRRRRRRR!

Other than that, I recorded Colbert from last night, and I paused it so I could concentrate on my blog. Colbert is frozen with a very comical 'deer in headlights' kind of look... and it's making me giggle.

I love you, guys! Thanks for writing comments. You make me happy :)


  1. I believe it's Chris' and my, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

    I want snow/ice stuffs!!

  2. Chris's and my! :D

    I hate the cold. Boo.
