
January 29, 2011

This is post #101! Whee!

This weekend, thus far, has been the We planned to go out to Knox Street Pub (originally a girl's night, but that kind of didn't happen) and have fun, and since I'm broke, no drinking for me. A night of good clean fun!

So after a full week of low self-esteem, I decided that needed to change. I broke out the cute black dress. AND my newly purchased red high heels. I needed to know that a random sample of young men are capable of thinking I'm pretty and want to talk to me. I needed to prove to myself that I've still got it.

And girls, I've still got it. :)

So then today, Alicia and I went shopping so she could get some new outfits for a special occasion, and it was fun to pick out cute dresses for someone else to buy :) And then we went walking on the Katy Trail with her Yorkie for about an hour. The weather is SO SO SO beautiful. It was about 75 degrees this afternoon (while our friends in NYC are having the snowiest January ever... HA).

GREAT DAY. Movie night tonight. Doesn't get any better than this.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you use the phrase "" - the first time I ever heard that was from one of my church campers who was in 6th grade, haha.

    Also, you are just the most adorable thing ever. I read out the first half of this post to Leslie - up to "And girls, I've still got it. :)" and she really enjoyed it, as did I.

    You're like, the perfect blogger. It's always happy, and funny, and SHORT. So many bloggers (myself DEFINITELY included) ramble on too much.
