
February 16, 2011

My brother woke me up super early because he needed an iron, so I got to work a full hour earlier than usual, which means I got to leave an hour earlier than usual! And now it's 9:45 and I feel like it should be a lot later than it is, but I am enjoying this extra time at home!

When I came home, I sat on my balcony with my tulips, caught up on words with friends, and just sat still for a little bit. On one Longhorn Awakening retreat, someone talked about the importance of just "being," and I like to think about that idea. I think it's actually very helpful to just "be" every so often. It's very soothing.

We cooked this Italian soup stuff, and it turned out very yummy! I am excited about eating leftovers for lunch.

We also watched Modern Family together, and I forget how much I like that show. Note to self: start recording it.

Also, when I was leaving work, there were a bunch of us crowded into an elevator. I was one of the last people in, and as the door shut, the one man in the elevator said "7 women at one time!" And some woman said, "You're one lucky man!" Silly.

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