
May 31, 2011

Sunday was great because the 3 of us went to our dad's house, and he cooked BBQ ribs and then afterwards we shot baskets in our driveway and taught Stephen how to do cartwheels in the front yard. Rachel and I pulled out our old bikes, put air in the tires, and rode around PG for awhile. We felt like we were 10 years old again! It was great!! I gave my dad the hilarious father's day card I found where you open it and it sings a silly song about baby poop. My favorite part says:

Sometimes it's all warm and gooey
sometimes it looks like dijon mustard
sometimes it looks like melted crayons
but most of the time it just smells like POOP!

Monday was excellent because I went to breakfast with Heather, and then lunch with Lisa, Sharon, Megan, Mike, and Alex. Our server was terrible, but we got some pretty good laughs out of it! It was so so so so nice to see all of them! <3 <3 <3

Today was good because, although zumba was cancelled, I ran into this girl that I talk to in class, and she said, "that's okay, I'm going to do yoga instead!" So I said, "okay, I'll go, too!" And we did. And it kicked our butts, but the instructor came by multiple times to show me better ways to do things, and I was VERY appreciative of her help!!!

Also, today at work, I got completely CALLED OUT and embarrassed horribly for having a drink too many Friday night out with my co-workers. It was HILARIOUS. I turned soooooooooooooo red, but I think everyone got a pretty good laugh out of it, so I think it all turned out okay :)

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