
March 28, 2011

I REALLY liked Pitt. A LOT. My trip was fast and furious, but I liked the school, the city, the department, the people... it was great. Just really really cold. I was blessed with safe travels and everything was awesome. Way too much to say about that, so I just won't.

1. A new girl joined our lab. She is from France and she's very very cool and I want to be her friend.
2. It was cool out, and I went for a nice jog after work. Since it was the first time I'd been out to the trail to run in awhile, it felt wonderful.
3. The leaves on the trees in the courtyard where I like to eat lunch are the most beautiful shade of green. I love spring!!
4. I bought Americone Dream ice cream (the one I saw on Colbert) AND IT TASTES AMAZING.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Pitt!
    Yay French girl!
    Yay exercise!
    Yay spring!
    YES. Stephen Colbert + ice cream! That segment was hilarious.
