
April 10, 2011

After I posted Friday, I really wanted to go buy myself some new Sperry top-siders to celebrate my accomplishments of the week. Alicia and I head to the mall for happy hour and shopping. I order some new shoes, yay.

On the way out, I got into my first car wreck ever. The joys of the situation: nobody was hurt, my car is damaged only in the front. Alicia was there to help me maintain my hysteria, Megan was there for me at my apt, my mom wasn't mad, and Vanessa was there via g-chat to let me talk about it for a really long time when I couldn't sleep.

Saturday: Megan and I watched season 1 and 2 of the office all day, then Kristin and Robbie came over. We played cards and Bananagrams, then went to dinner, then to see Your Highness (which is awful, btw). Then we were joined by Scott and Travis for some dancing at Cowboys. Travis took us home, and we all tried to watch a movie but we all fell asleep... haha

Sunday: We watched more Office, then Stephen and Rachie came over for lunch. We all ate lasagna and laughed about all sorts of things. Hung out with Megan and Travis for awhile longer, then did laundry, took a nap, went to church, ate dinner, here I am. Fun fun fun weekend!


  1. ohmystars!! I'm glad you're okay!!!

  2. Eek I am sorry about your car but YES glad you are okay and no one was injured!! I'm glad that it sounds like the rest of your weekend made up for the sadness. Will it be something easily-fixable?

    Can't wait until we's in the same city!!!
